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Old 30-11-2015, 11:12 AM
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Re: Men's Plus-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solution.

Had arranged to meet up with a friend over the weekend for a session and decided to contact MP for the pills.

There was only some slight side effects; watery eyes. I have personally tried Viagra before and the sides effects are the same. However, MP is slightly lighter and I didn't get any headaches.

Bedroom expectations are the same. Cock can stand when required. I had 2 sessions within the 2 hours and yet still feel energetic.

All in all, the pills work great! Good for first time sessions when you need to create a good first impression.

Thanks bro MensPlus!

Sex with someone you're not supposed to be having sex with is very often mind-blowing. The brain is flooded with chemicals associated with the sense of doing something bad, the fear of being caught, and the newness of the person.