Originally Posted by Ahsahh
Bro Don't mind me asking, i have already made reservation for a room at fomosa by mail. Do i still need to make a reservation with kaha? or can i just go to kaha on the day itself to get the voucher.
U only need to make reservation from only 1 place before u arrive to Batam,u go to Kaha on that day,walk to them & tell them you wish to buy a hotel voucher from xx hotel which you already reserved directly from xx hotel. They will likely ask u who u reserve from at the hotel. Just tell them the name of the hotel staffs that replied to yr mail or simply print out yr mail & show them. It speeds up the process of yr voucher collection.
Originally Posted by mark_07
By the way,
I just booked Formosa last weekend without paying beforehand. I'm booking different hotel this time round. But the hotel required to make payment then can proceed with conformation of booking.
Then u must be booking some high end hotel who deals alot with travel agency or deals.com type. I usually don't book these hotels & if i happen to ,prices most time won't be so much of a difference whether i book from travel sites like agoda or from Kaha. At times,other travel sites could be cheaper than Kaha depending on season & exchange rate.
Advance payment sometime do carries some unforeseen risk especially when Kaha counter staffs at Batam ctr has known to overcharge their customer before in this thread.
Just a note.