Originally Posted by nono1973
Its ok whether to up my points or not,i am not here for the reputation points and its the least of my interest in this forum. I have asked more people NOT to up my points than the people who actually upped me. But i do however ask other bros to help me Rate This Thread a 5 stars.
Just realize tat i have nvr up yr pts b4.
Originally Posted by Black Page
Said this, it would be misleading to say that going to Batam is like going to Sentosa, unless one limits his experience to go to hotel, then to joint to book a girl, then back to room for bonking till next morning, with just a short escapade for dinner.
Wah! If i say i GO to yr home is LIKE going to MY own home,tat wld means to YOU that thgs inside YR home & MINE wld be similar? If tat's so ,tat's no wonder u r always misunderstanding wat pple says here & having pple here misunderstanding YOU as misleading.
Cultural difference.