Originally Posted by ph1970
is there a way to stop high power bros to just zap whatever they want because it defeats the purpose of true sharing in this forum.
Bro ph1970,
If you had read the stickies posted by boss on rep points, you will understand how it works....the rep point actually represents how well liked or suppported you are from bros/samsters here.....its like a rating scale....nobody knows whether you are as what you proclaimed a "true sharing" bros.....only time will tell....I understand how frustrated you feel when you are zap for something that you think you did right and my advice to you is to do the following as rep points are built over time just like rome...not built overnight.....accept criticism..be it negative or positive and proof your worth by contributing more here and bros will eventually recognise your effort and up you in time to come..........
Raising your unhappiniess and seeking redress from boss here will only show how weak you are to take failure.....I believe every samster here, expecially seniors here "earned" their points and not begged or seek pity by complaining here nor there.......
too tired liao....maybe english a little broken, hope bros here can pardon me.....
just my 2 cents......