Originally Posted by nono1973
Pepy is at the Utama hotel area,hehehe...
Thanks...I think I had pass by before....Utama again....lol.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
its near a famous seafood place, cant remember the name. its a row of massage e.g kings massage , hello kitty massage(i think). the bj started i think at 200k or 250k but i thought of this thread and i have seen a thread posted by bro Nono on bargaining with them thats where i learnt. i keep on saying no,no,no(no pun intended) and she keep on pushing and ended up at that price (initially i was proposing 100k)
As for strolling under the heat , I surprised myself too! I thought i would just travel by taxi (or ojek) everywhere i go but the walking around and site seeing was pretty good.Especially if one is new to the place.
Yup, Bro Nono had posted the map out....
I know where it is now.
Very soon, can totally get rid of ojek/taxi unless going far flung places.
But the heat n lack of shady areas are always a killer....