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Old 26-04-2016, 08:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
I still remember, while I stay at da Vienna there is this chio Recep.. Not sure she still work a not. Manage to get her number the other time but have not contacted her.
I think almost every Batam hotel seems to have some chio receptionist (something i notice),and Da Vienna have had quite a few in my last trip there.

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Ya. Indo ladies usually have many phone.
1 for working, so that okt can contact them
1 for personal, some have 2 personal one for internet. 1 for call n sms
1 for their indo bf or together with their sg bf..
I learned to have multiple phones in Batam too.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
As soon as I arrive to Harbour Bay, my SOP is to walk straight to the Prima Ferries offices to present my return ticket and CHECK-IN for the return one week later.

That way, I can stay 15 mins more in my room at Formosa on my last day (the last 15 minutes can be important) and leave, say, at 18:30 with the boarding pass in hand to catch the ferry of 19:15.
Alternatively,you can ask the Reception to help you make a call to Horizon Ferry to book a reservation to secure a place on the day you planned to go back. You secure a booking number so that you can straight away get your boarding pass ready for collection when you arrive at the Horizon counter.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Like your XXXXX n kacang ijau
Sorry to ask,what is kacang ijau? I did a search but the meaning of the word seems pretty odd,...sugarcane juice?

Whatever my illustration,i try to make my point as simple as possible to help the one who reads it understand.

Girl's 1st quoted xxx price. Dont bargain,who knows may likely end up having to pay xxxxxxx price for VAS (value-added service). If bargain to x price upfront,the room for VAS becomes cheaper and at most xx or xxx price instead of xxxxxxx price. VAS usually were an upgraded version of "better service" or some sort of fetish.

Conclusion,bargain for better quality service,hehehe... (i am starting to sound like

Originally Posted by Metalboy View Post
Yes, the price is still the same According to your price list but during my first time there, the counter show me 2 kinds of separate list - "daytime massage list" and "afternoon massage list" - same menu but different price (if u go during the morning it's cheaper).
See,if i never post the price list of Halo Kitty out,this info would never have come to light or it may have cause some sort of confusion between bro A getting A price and bro B getting B price. Worse,i would not know that there are 2 price list. Your reply has proven that sometime when we share information,the original 1st sharing information gets richer and better.

Sincerely thank you.

Originally Posted by Metalboy View Post
My 2nd time when I go, the counter show me the "daytime list"... I ask them abt the morning list,then they take it out to show me..... Grr trying to earn extra eh
Interesting....looks like there are greedy people there and greedy people are the easiest to smoke (or bribe) and be taken advantage from...hehehe...

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
25 year old. 1.5 Hours? that cost about 100K
I must say the massage is more expensive than most place at 100k per hour and 150k for 1.5 hour. I took the 1.5 hour massage at 150k,special service at 150k with everything off and full roaming. Next time,i hope to get her to massage for me in nude,hehehe...

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
HJ? 200k can be considered normal rate. If you are local, nego. for SYT.
200k HJ is my max limit for those individual massage shop (not for hotel and men's spa). Remember i always bargain with a die hard rate of 100k and 200k fj? I always tell the girls "my friends tell me...100k hj and 200k fj...",and where did i find out about 100k hj and 200k fj? Who is this "friend" i am constantly referring to?

Its from you,bro. I pick up the 100k hj and 200k fj benchmark from you.

(your previous post/s on 100k hj and 200k fj years ago before i was even here has somehow affect me)

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Sometimes, they dont even get a customer at all in a day. Times are bad, they will take the offer that comes by. Smart girl.
150k for 1.5 hour massage,another 150k for full strip off plus full roaming and after everything done,got a hair wash plus face wash. I think i had a good deal. Its my 1st face wash in Batam,hehehe...

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