Re: This Forum is feature in the latest U weekly Mag
Originally Posted by Frankiestine
eh so my queen nat next time if monster engage you we don't talk " money" ok we talk kum ching one those little puppies av cannot say there was commercial transaction involved hor.. 
Yes daddy... U haven gimme pocket money this month... So 2 months at 1 go? And i want to adopt little kittens too... i hope the puppies wouldn't chase my kittens away,daddy...
Bad bad doggies!! Woofy Woofy~!~
Anyway people,can we decide on just 1 thread(section) to post?? Thank you.
Don't just Zzzzzz again without valid reason. Think about the sentence before doing anything. If u don't understand it,that's my way of talking... Bye~~~
Last edited by natsuki; 22-04-2006 at 04:21 PM.