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Old 24-04-2006, 01:04 AM
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Re: The Seduction - Epilogue (Stories)

**** Chapter 9 ****

"Good night" Zhen said hurriedly as she notice the door boy is waving them on because Tan's car is blocking other incoming cars in the narrow driveway... "See you tomorrow" said Tan as he slowly moves off.. "Tommorow ?" Zhen wonder because she don't remember meeting Tan tomorrow... anyway she is tired tonight.. and she intends to have an early night if possible...

"He's a rich but nice person" said Zhen over the phone... Lin had called around midnight and ask if Tan had dated Zhen for the next few days... Zhen is a little surprise that Tan wanted to date her because he behave like he is just being friendly and have no intentions to go further than that... "Maybe he just want to bed me just the other men" said Zhen... but Lin said Tan looks interested in a long term relationship with Zhen... "He told you that ?" enquire Zhen..

"He called and hinted to me tonight after he dropped you off.. ask me if you are attached.. your likes and dislikes" said Lin.. "but he is married, you consider that" continued Lin... Zhen felt a bit disappointed because she won't mind dating Tan because he seems like a nice man but he is a married man after all.. "Nah, I won't be interested in him" said Zhen which about all tells Lin what she want to know. "All right, I'll drop the hint to him then" said Lin and that effectively closes the subject.

Zhen did not hear from Tan for the next few days... she spend most of the time with Lin.. window shopping as things are expensive in Singapore... Zhen did consider buying a good set of skin care but its selling close to a thousand dollars S$ for a 6-piece set so she just drop the idea... but its fun shopping in Singapore with its almost infinite brands and shops... time flies and its another one more day before Zhen is flying off.

"ding dong" goes the door bell.. as Zhen was packing her bags.. looking at her watch, its almost 7pm but she don't remember meeting anyone tonight because she got an early morning flight tomorrow... "Room service" came a voice from outside.. "Huh ? I didn't order room service" a puzzled Zhen thought as she open the door... standing there is a hotel attendant with a trolley of covered dishes, a bouquet of flowers and a nicely wrapped present... "Miss Zhen?" ask the attendant..

"Yes" replied Zhen... "Someone ordered this for you, all paid" as he waited a few seconds before pushing the trolley in... "Please sign here" said the attendant as Zhen hurriedly sign it and was wondering what its all about when she heard the attendant close the door... this shake her out of her deep thoughts but then.. if its paid for, why not.. as she remove the covers... "Hmm.. lobster, soup, spaghetti" .. who could it be, Zhen wonder... and the present !

Excited at the mysterious of it all.. she literally tore off the wrappings and... "Oh my, its what I wanted!" exclain Zhen as a set of skin-care products appear before her... "Lin !" as Zhen grab the handphone and dial her number but wait a minute... she disconnect it and pause to think... "Why should Lin give me a present, she could have just buy it for me when we went shopping"... sitting down on the bed and forgetting the food on the trolleys, Zhen is admiring the set as well as trying to figure out who is the person.

"Could it be.. no.. it can't be because he don't know what I wanted" thought Zhen as the image of Tan appear in her memory... but then, maybe Lin told him... bringing up the handphone again, she dial Lin's number... "Wei wei" Lin voice blare out after just a few rings... "Lin, did you tell anyone of our window shopping ?" ask Zhen.. and she heard a soft laughter at the other end of the line... "Surprise, didn't you?" said Lin...

"Its Tan" Lin finally said... "He's been asking me what you are looking for during our window shopping, I told him you very much wanted the skin-care set and you know what, he bought it immediately the next day"... continue Lin.. "He wanted to buy almost all that you told me but I said better to ask you first"...

A sense of warm feelings cascade through Zhen as she realise how thoughtful Tan is... and maybe, just maybe, give him a chance though he is married... as sudden as the present, Zhen felt the urge to call him... but pride is holding her back.. "Wei wei" boomed Lin's voice which jerk Zhen out of her thoughts.. "Send him my appreciation" said Zhen.. and disconnect the call... her heartbeat is so fast she thought she almost puke...

Admiring the skin-care set.. Zhen pick up the phone and dial Tan's number... it rings for a while but nobody answer.. a little disappointed, she continue packing and finish the dinner by 10pm.... when suddenly her handphone rings.. "Its Tan !" her heart almost skip a beat..

"Hello" a warm and deep set voice said... sending another ripple of warmth through Zhen... "Hi" said Zhen like a little girl... "thank you for the nice present, I like it so much" she continue... "Glad you like it, thought its a little informal but sincerely hope you like it" said Tan... his every words seem to reverbrate through her.. tingling her every nerves like a skilled masseur over her body.

Zhen had never experienced such thoughtfulness and concern... which drives her towards falling for him unwittingly... slowly but surely... "Err.. you want to come out for a drink ?" blurted Tan... Zhen thought why not, so she told him to meet her in the hotel lobby for a drink.

Zhen choose a nice floral white dress with black polka dots.. low cut.. and body hugging because all of a sudden.. she wanted to look good for him... maybe its the concern or the present but tonight.. she just want to look the best... touching her face with light makeup.. a little perfume here and there.. a pendent to match the dress... she admire herself for a while in the full length mirror.

"Hi" said Zhen as she approach Tan in the lobby.. "You drive fast, even reach here before I can dress up" remark Zhen... Tan grin but did not say anything... Tan order a coke while Zhen go for the chinese tea... "You like the present ?" Tan said... "I love it !" Zhen answer like a little girl to Santa Claus... and she touch his hand before realising its not proper, then withdraw it quickly... blushing and looking away shyly...

"Err.. today's my birthday.. can we have red wine ?" ask Tan with his forlorn eyes like begging Zhen to say yes... Zhen nodded and Tan happily order a French Bordeaux red... while Zhen look at him in admiration... such a man, thoughtful, caring and sincere... hard to find but pity he's married...

Things seem to ease off a little as the red wine begins to take effect.. both are getting comfortable with each other presence unlike the initial awkwardness... and soon they are chatting like old friends.. sometimes touching each other shoulder or forearms playfully... enjoying the chat and the red wine... Tan hold her about his wife's coldness and even forgot his birthday which makes Zhen felt pity for him.. and they are chatting away about their personal lives before Zhen realise its almost 2am... and her flight is 7am so she got to be at the airport by 5am.. thats 3 hours away !

"You better go catch some sleep. I'll pick you up at 5am, its only 25 minutes without much traffic in the early hours" said Tan... but Zhen feels its a burden for Tan because his home is 40 minutes to and from the hotel... "I'll go myself" said Zhen but Tan insisted to send her and will sit in the lobby till 5am !...

"You might as well come up with me" said Zhen before she realise its not proper but then she already said it... "No, its ok" said Tan though she can see he wanted it so much from his eyes.. "Never mind as long as you behave yourself" as Zhen pull him by the sleeve and hold him by the arm... half nudging him towards the lift to the room... she can sense his arm hitting her right breast but she don't mind.. in fact, she hold him closer than before.. allowing his arm in continuous contact with her right breast.

Tan was joking and both are laughing... sometimes giggling... and she never felt so happy and relax before with a guy.. not even her ex-husband... as she reach the door... fumbling with the card access while Tan is still cracking jokes.

"Come in" gesture Zhen as Tan stumbles forward.. the red wine seems to be getting to him.. "You so easily drunk from red wine ?" ask Zhen... Tan grin like a drunk.. "I had beer the whole night downstairs" said Tan... "whole night ?" she does not understand him.. "Yes, I actually waited the whole night in the lobby hoping to catch a glimpse of you" mumble Tan.

The words rumble through her like someone just shut off the sound and only these words are what she can hear... he actually waited up the whole night just to see her... as she feel a sense of immense warmth emanating throughout her body... as she just had to hug him... and she DID.. feeling his heaving chest against her breasts whose nipples are beginning to get hard... she feel so secure in his arms as he hold her tight, smelling her just washed silky hair and kissing her forehead occasionally...

"How I miss you" said Tan.. as he seem to lose control of himself but still retain a respectful posture by not going further than the hugging and kissing on the forehead... Zhen wanted him to go further but the thought of him a married man somehow stops her... they just lock in an embrace for almost a full minute before Zhen raises her head.. look at him in the eyes and ask.. "You love me ?".. but his eyes already answer her as she tip-toe higher to bring her lips closer to his... feeling his manly breath.. making her wanted more of him.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection.

My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.