Originally Posted by xiaosinful
met up with piglet and winston at habourfront at about 4pm. As expected habourfront was crowded but custom clearance was relatively fast. After reaching batam centre , we cleared custom and went to majestic to book return tickets before grabbing a cab to hotel (80k). stopped by money changer behind famosa beside a bank rate was good at 9790
I believe that was the best exchange rate for that day.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
... while piglet and me tried D'advent massage just a walk down from our hotel. didnt take up any specials but piglet tip the girl 100k for stripping top.
massage priced at 70k rating 5/10.
Look like bro Piglet has become more intelligent. Surprise he didnt goes back to his favourite haunt,hehehe...maybe becos the pricing were up.
Just curious,how was the overall massage being rated 5/10? You didnt have quality massage at D'Avant? No GQ? Massage standard not up to your expectation?
Why were you reviewing bro Piglet's massage session instead of your own? Hehehe...he definitely knows what he is doing,its you i am more concern about becos you didnt have a good time the last 2 trips.
Sorry for the many questions,no obligation to reply me tho.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
went to A2 foodcourt for dinner and had some fried oyster omelet , BBQ sting ray/pomfret , wet and dry kuay teow , butterfly prawn , hotplate toufu. nice ambiance with soccer screening. priced at around 600k food rating 7/10
Good to see a higher rating on the food.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
thereafter we went to pub lane located near double story KFC and Harmoni Hotel opposite of kaha hotel reservation. didnt see anything fancy so checked out dynasty 88 , a few girls but nothing eye catching. piglet suggested that we try alisan at formosa. went into formosa but it seems quite empty in the reception area , no waiter came to intro us. walk around abit before heading back to hotel for the night.
By the time you guys walked around,you should have known Batam much better by now. Its a public holiday eve,you guys may have arrive late. No booking joint visit?
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
After breakfast , we met up with one of the taxi driver that piglet know. quite friendly and open and we went roaming in the few usual joints
goldbird(nothing much probably because we are too early and went out at 10am)
happy 8 (the most to choose from)
hawaii(left like 4) not encourage to go since not many choices
Most girls in the joint were likely taken the night before. Most Batam cheongster dont stay for 2D1N over a super long weekend. Am curious whats the time you guys visit the various joints tho.
Gold Bird 10am probably has nobody in it,if the next stop is happy 8,then you guys may miss out half the range of girls. Followed by Hawaii...if its around 1130am (i guess),then again you guys were missing out a lot. Remember,Hawaii is a KTV (like pertama indah but they open at 1pm)...leftover girls has to work late into the night. The good girls like mine usually returned back only after 10am to 11am. When they reach back joint,they will need to rest up a bit or make up before appearing in the "fish bowl" again. Bunga,i think bro Piglet would know better.
If you are still interested in going Batam,next time try going just one more round if you feel you reached too early. I am almost sure you would see more different girls in the same joint. Then again,dont bother going the 3rd round becos you might lose the girls you originally bookmarked during 1st and 2nd round. Doing this a few more trips will one day eventually tells you at what time,which respective joint will have the most girls to choose from. Right timing,right place.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
we took our girls at happy 8, winson took at hawaii(800k)
mine priced at 1.3m.
name: elsa
age: 26
looks: slightly older then age
has children
boobs: b+?
attitude : ok , but some tantrum when jalan jalan outside because her feet hurts from high heels(brought her shoes 200k). and dinner didnt come. brought her lipstick 100k. other then that she was quite nice actually.
action: accommodating, probably because of the stuff i brought her(pro tip here) very tight, cant fit in
overall : 7/10?
Dont mind me asking.Is this girl better than your last 2 trip's sleeper girls or worse off?
What were she doing when you get back to room from dinner? (whats the 1st thing you see her do?)
I am curious,hehehe...(hopefully not sleeping)
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
went to play billiard at the arcade at 30k/hr and watched captain america (which i doze off halfway). piglet video my girl playing motorbike at arcade with much style.
You must be tired from all the walking,hehehe...
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
early morning at 3am stomach problem started.
winston and grandfather went back while ken and his friend came.
went to breakfast and went roaming.feel that today is much less crowded since the crowd most likely went back
new berry quite a good selection but again nothing interesting
happy8- ken's friend saw a chinese looking girl too bad she dosent speak chinese
MM- quite a few young ones found there
bunga- only saw one that is quite good.
in the end all 3 of them piglet,ken,ken's friend took their companion at happy8. intend to take for night 2 but had a serious stomach problem(suspect food poisoning)
This part of your FR reminded me of my 1st few group trip about 1.5 years ago. A bro had a diarrhea at the prime time when we were halfway girl-shopping,hehehe...we have to send him back to room,help him grab the Po Chi pills and then bring it back to room for him making sure he has everything (mineral water etc) which he could help himself with and even help him grab his girl. And he was better the same later evening and completely ok the next day.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
3 of them went to acia baker beside city mall and had a feast , looks really good. according to piglet they ordered 2 table worth of food for 6 pax. didnt follow along as i was drain of all energy (not by the girl but by the food.)
Did you extend your girl?
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
special thanks to ken's friend for bring back 2 large stingray and a box full of chicken wings! which i only ate 2 wings before giving the food to the housekeeper since i have 0 appetite.
This part needs some compliment,it is what true friend is about. They still think of you when they were having some good time while you were "almost" bed-ridden.
Thumbs up to the group.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
after which met up with piglet and went to batam centre for a earlier return
to sg then planned since both of us has diarrhea at that point
note: if you changed your boarding pass early and want to change timing majestic requires a fee of 30k
Good info on Majectic Ferry.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
stuff to take note of :
piglet highest recommended joint would be happy 8 for choice and service
Just curious why were you talking on behalf for another person. Keep in mind,one mans meat could likely be another man's poison. I have said before,after they swapped to that indian-looking mami (who is now heading the rest of the mamis)...girls become more discipline and in better control. It only take a small tweet in their management to drop the standard on girls within a period of few months.
Just a thought.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
personal advice after this trip would be watch out and be careful of what you eat!
And dont forget the ice you took with your drinks too.It has been known in many cases that people gets diarrhea from drinking tap water in Batam. Most shops make ice from tap water.
Lets not forget the flies flying around the food too.
Originally Posted by xiaosinful
disclaimer: this review might not be the best since im constantly interrupted by nature callings
This trip is better than last trip or worse off?
Honest opinion please...hehehe...
Thank you for sharing.