Originally Posted by iicycold
I tink sm1 ask for the link to be removed y'day.i dn't knw its reason behind,but i do hope bro psam could remove it too. i for 1 wn't mind payin 1mil 4 full service if i'm selling those videos 4 a definite more than a mil rp. 
Get use to it,bro.
Reason is simple,if somone remove it,they get reposted again later by another ALT forum acct or simply register a new acct to do so. The more pple views the video,the more the guy who took the video earns (base on the site's click per view ads). Video were obviously taken against the girls's will and broadcast against their knowledge for sure. Infringement of copyright if it's not against the forum regulations.
The least i knw is,who is who from the posting of its links later.
Originally Posted by Psam
sure will remove it
Thk u for the video link removal.