Originally Posted by KohOnly21
Some yes some no. Usually the newcomer doesn't resist long, you just have to be little persistent. And also if you revisit her it will be easier.
The reason for their behavior is because as some guys will only visit batam once in their life or once every few months/year, the girls don't see the benefit of them providing super service as those guys likely won't be returning for her.
Another reason is for Spa, our belongings like cash and all will be kept in the locker before the session, so there are these A@shole who visited the spa request the girls for special without paying them as the guys are supposed to pay in "tip" dedicated to the girl at the cashier based on trust but these guys just pay for the massage and went off !!!!!!!!!!!
Hence, do we really expect them to provide everyone roaming and ++(more than hj) just for the little money they earned from each massage session? I would say unless you are very handsome or you offered to pay in cash and show her that you have the cash with you.
It is correct that Optopus/Delta these places are more expensive than those massage parlour with Full Service included in Utama. But ultimately the girls in massage parlour are earning more than the girls working in Octopus/Delta.
Only 1 reason i still visit these girls in the spa as i feel they (majority) are more innocent and fresh in the trade 
Since we are on this topic , Atlanta & octopus girls have mentioned that whatever tips they get including providing extras will be "surrendered" and kept in a common pool to be shared amongst the gals there. They also seem to be scared / naive in going against the management rules even after reasoning with them so to speak .. Unable to verify how true though what the gals are telling .. As none of us are management there