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Old 02-06-2016, 01:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1215: Walked to Idola massage. Took 1 hour @ 60k Rp. Asked for young and slim girls. My friend got a MILF, while I got a GILF (LOL!). Immediately know that I will not go for any special regardless of the price. The place is lit up in blue, with mattresses on the floor. Curtains are used as partitions with Richard Clayderman’s music playing in the background (Ballade Pour Adeline). Massage was semi-piano. My friend’s MILF kept pestering him for special – but he’s those kind that won’t go for anything unless got feel for the girl. So declined. My GILF asked once and I said no. I think she also expect I wouldn’t take it up.
o MP: Idola Massage.
o ML Name: Didn’t ask.
o Age: Didn’t ask.
o Massage: 4/10.
o Looks: -1/10 (GILF).
o Body: N.A.
o HJ: NIL.
o FJ: NIL.
o Attitude: 3/10.
o Damage: 60k Rp / Hour (80k Rp / 1.5 Hour; 100k Rp / Hour).
o RTM/F: No. My friend also never opt for special. ML pestered him for tips like no end.
Hmm...GILF rarely gives piano massage. I only been there once,so arent too sure which GILF you are talking about. But i would not suggest you go to RTM again at this place due to your age gap with mine. It may not be suitable. (i believe even if i were to pay for you i doubt you should RTM until more details are rolled out)

Formosa's King massage perhaps would be a better choice. Otherwise Moonlight behind New Berry or Moonlight behind Harmoni Hotel should work just as good for you. Their massage almost can confirm will be piano standard.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1330: Walked to DC Mall. I generally like walking everywhere if possible. Helps me orientate me to the place better. This is usually what I usually do also when I’m overseas in new places. And you get to see things better too.
By walking around,you get to see more and able to help you mark those landmark,which will help you remember how to get to certain places,example if i want to go New Berry,i look for Hana Hotel on the google map becos New Berry is just opposite Hana Hotel and so on for other places that interest me.

Most maps dont show where the cheonging places were at.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1350: Walked into each of those MPs just outside DC Mall. As mentioned by other bros here, most of these MPs (if not all of them), have photo albums of the girls. Do not trust these photos. Walked into Tulip massage. Turned out this place is also an overnight booking joint. There were only 5 WLs there. All MILF.
Nearly all SYT wont be able to give good massage. Most people goes to such places for ST. I went to Tulip recently,there is at least 1 SSYT that caught my attention. You may have reach there at a wrong timing.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1415: My friend chose A5 massage I believe since he fancied one of the photos of the girl in there; I chose Nice Massage (Chinatown Massage) that is just 20 meters away.
o MP: Nice Massage (Chinatown Massage).
o ML Name: Selvie / Selfie.
o Age: 25 (alleged).
o Massage: 2/10.
o Looks: Nothing at all like the picture in the album. 3/10.
o Body: Got “san cheng rou” like those pork belly like that (I didn’t know that at first because she hid it quite well.) 2/10.
o HJ: 3/10. Rushed and rough. Opted for it after FJ was totally unacceptable.
o FJ: 1/10. Deadfish. Pussy so loose I thought I was fucking thin air.
o Attitude: 1/10. Very unaccommodating. Refused to remove her top at all even for FJ. Even when washing up, snatch from me to wash up first. Before even negotiation, whole day pester me to do “ciki-ciki” (FJ) without even massaging for more than 10 mins. After everything, kept pestering me for tips.
o Damage: Was quoted 400k for HJ and 800k for FJ. I remember Bro Nono’s advice. Counter-offered HJ for 100k and FJ for 200k. I refused to budge regardless. She kept pushing me for FJ, and she slowly lowered to price to 300k. I still refused. So I got it at 200k. But even at 200k, at this rate, I still felt I overpaid for such horrendous service. 110k / Hour (VIP Room) + 200k (FJ). I think price increase by 10k as compared to FRs from other bros.
o RTM/F: No fucking way.
o Comments / Observations: This place is pretty bad. I would advise to avoid this place. Wanted to try the so called “mandi susu” (Milk bath). Turns out, the receptionist / price list was not accurate. Was told that VIP room regardless of duration includes a mandi susu, but apparently not. After everything ended, was then told it was only for 1.5 hours and above. Place is also quite dirty. Mattress got black hole that seems to have insects inside. Quite put off generally. As for timing, also cheat me close to 20 minutes (ended 20 mins earlier). My friend who did at A5 massage told me that the milk bath just means putting milk powder into the water. So I guess I did not miss out much. For him, despite me relaying to him Bro Nono’s advice, still kena chopped 400k for FJ. Sigh. His girl is Reina – apparently body is not bad (unlike mine), but looks also quite terrible. Besides, the VIP room looks very run down and the mattress has a smell.
Hmm...after reading this,i realize one small little thing. Nice Massge has either deteriorate or you may not be used to their kind of massage places. But i believe it more that it has deteriorated becos like i say 2 months ago,i almost completely stop going to Utama area of massage shops due to it getting overly popular and people paying more than they are suppose to. Nice Massage used to be pretty good like 6 month plus ago when they were just newly opened (and renovated).

And in case you didnt know,A3,A5 and Nice Massage were sister shop run by the same group of bosses.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1530: Continued to walk around the vicinity. Entered into each and every one of those MPs. As mentioned earlier, got photo album. Just ask for it. But remember, the girl and the photo, is always different. In some places, you can even see the girls (if you request). They are usually all located in one or two waiting / holding rooms. Most, if not all I’ve seen really cmi. Generally, imho, the MPs around DC Mall area is to be avoided.
Already did some time ago,hehehe...sorry,i think i should have warn you 1st. Next time if you go Batam again,try the hotel massage or Men's Spa instead. From reading your FR till now,most standalone may unlikely to be suitable for your age group.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1600: Walked into Bunga Massage just to take a look. About 20 girls. There were about 2 WLs that caught my eye (quite hot and slim). Mami can speak Chinese well and seems to know the SG scene (i.e. Geylang) very well. It’s almost impossible (or maybe she see us young lads want to chop us) to bargain with her, despite me demonstrating I’m not exactly clueless (name dropped other joints like New Berry and Gold Bird (Sedona)). But she is very friendly. Quoted 1.5 mil for overnight for one of the Indo-Chinese girls. She willing to bring it down to 1.4 mil. Do note that this price only comes with 3 shots. She claims most of her good girls taken already (possibly so, given that I came in so late – but also, since it’s a weekday, Batam generally is rather quiet). Short-time (1 hour / 1 shot) is quoted at 500k. She told me that this is about the same price as Geylang for Thais and double the time. (See, she really know our scene well). Refused to budge. I also don’t want since my objective in this trip is mainly to recce massage places. I thanked her and left.
At 4pm,yes...its a little late. But the 3 shot rule? This is the 1st time i heard of the 3 shot rule in Bunga cited by the Chinese mami. I might have rebut her if its going to be the same price as Geylang,then why would i come to Batam in the 1st place,hehehe...however,i will not name Bunga the most expensive joint if their price were low tho.

Originally Posted by ssleight View Post
- 1830: Took a taxi to Sports massage (the one near Goodway hotel) @ 20k Rp. Did the 190k Rp package (1 hour Reflexology + 1 hour body massage). One of the best massages I ever had. Don’t see these girls small size, damn lot of strength. Kept asking her to ‘kuat’ (stronger). This place is ABSOLUTELY clean and I know that and had no intention for anything. To give you an idea of how clean this place is, they will open the curtain a little so others can look in. When I told her whether can close the curtain (because I felt a little awkward that people can look in when I like 3/4 naked), she exclaimed that she cannot do so in a very animated way – LOL… wtf). Massage is damn solid and good. Simply love it. Massage is 8-9/10.
The 20k taxi fare reminds of another bro who went to Batam with a very senior bro who somehow "despise" making even a single post in this new Batam thread (i use the word "despise" becos its how i feel about it),hehehe...he's a good contributor in the older thread tho when he shares about some exotic satay and a Japanese theme massage. If you happen to know him,his experience definitely surpass mine many many times. I remember him becos i read that old thread a few times and his recommendation rarely fails.

If you happen to know him,you wont go too wrong following his advise. He will be able to recommend you few other massage shops that are of equal (or almost equal) standard as that of Sports Massage. My favourite was still going to a clean massage place to get special service,hehehe...

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