Hi bro,so last min planning. Here's what i suggest.
1. Stay at Pacific palace hotel,drop yrself off at Harbur bay ferry terminal.
Why so? : Because it has a safer & relatively popular disco (pacific disco) & a KTV there & also within your budget of around $60+ below $70.
2. Since 2d1n,no need to go too many joints. If u are into SYTs,try Happy 8 & Bunga. If u r into service,try NewBery & Sedona.Happy 8 & Bunga however more ex. Flag any taxi,they will know how to get u there.
Why so? : Because that's my personal preference to go
3. It's only 2d1n,dinner can be anywhere. Windsor food court can be a good choice but priced higher,otherwise Weywey/Harbour Bay sea food restaurant which has some sea view ambience (also higher price) inside harbour bay terminal.
Why so? : There's cheaper seafood in Batam,but u are into 2d1n stay ,so don't wish to give u too many further away cheaper option considerating if u are taking my advise to stay in Pacific palace hotel.
4. I think someone answer that already,Pacific & Newton disco. I suggest Pacific in case u plan to play drugs in batam. But do not bring the drugs out of Pacific disco,or u are deadmeat if caught with it. Ramadan just few days away,many polisi watching.
Why so? : Pacific disco inside Pacific palace hotel,so u have everything under one roof,including Octopussy men's spa.
5. Needless to say,Harbour Bay ferry terminal.
Why so? : Pacific Palace hotel is 10-15 mins walk,literally beside Harbour Bay if u check the Batam map & no chance for u to get lost in batam.
My philosophy in this reply is simple. Everywhere i suggested were all near to where you stay (except windsor food court & booking joints).