Originally Posted by MovingTarget
I have no idea about that. Anyway, it is good info to know. I have shown the photo to the front office and I think I did fill in a form mentioning the leaking room. Hope they have done something by now.
If u fill up an email add,they may reply u via email. I'm sure u also receive an email for feedbacks too. According to em,they jus wan to help serve u better.
Originally Posted by MovingTarget
..but was constantly disturbed by the movement of the piling machine. So, for those who are staying at Rm 343, 337 block really have a hard time relaxing.
a good chance to stay in formosa hotel tis Ramadan 4 an hr + massage @ 81k rp.
Tat rm u stay in is at a part of hotel where construction of formosa aprtment is undergoing,some noise is bound to hav.
peak days,i avoid stayin in formosa cos i dn't knw if i will b assign rm in tat row.