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Old 06-07-2016, 12:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Since Ramadan ends, i think i should reply to this one 1st :

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
First day, 2 girls came by the name of Rini and Mey. Rini was taken by my Friend and Mey being the girl I took before stick with me. As usual took a couple of drinks at hotel and went to Golden Prawn for dinner. Thereafter, proceed to Last Pub to listen to Rock music. Came back hotel, have a couple of sessions then slept. At around, 5:30am Mei claim she was not feeling well and insist that she need to go back. Do not want persist the arguement, I told her to leave. There was a hidden agenda for her to leave where I only realised very much later!

Yes! I suppose, she smartly open the save (somehow knowing the password number) when I was in deep sleep and stole 100 sing dollars. I only realised during breakfast where I count the money in my wallet. Since, I don't have a concrete evidence, I kept quiet.
Sorry to hear of the damages done and worse,resulting injuries on your physical body. Hope you get well physically and psychologically soon.

1st thing in my mind whenever someone loses any money,i will often ask them to check and double check,if they have actually spent it away unknowingly or have change it at the money changer or something else.I said this becos I have friends whom was with me in Batam before thought they have lost their money and wallet but in the end found out that they have in fact spent it off during our budget calculation at the end of the day.

If its really stolen,then Mey or Mei would likely be the biggest suspect. (Mila wasnt there at that point of time,right?)

I have bookmarked her photograph for my future reference.

Small question here,bro.

You are missing 1 piece of S$100 or 2 pieces of S$50?

No obligation to reply me tho.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
Second day, my Friend extend Rini. I was looking for girls thru my agent and it was really hard. Finally one girl arrive to my room. She is totally not from my OKT as my OKT said it was thru contact to contact. Third or fourth party. This girl never came alone but she come with a muscular
guy. He demand 1.5 million plus 100k for his petrol. I paid him. He left.

I had 1 session with her. In between the session she do not want to give BJ. I told her I will tip her if she does. She agree and BJ was given.
So,your 2nd night girl was Mila.

Base on looks,she does look a bit like the 1 million rupiah category in Gold Bird. 1.3 million (or more) category at Happy 8,1.5 million category in Bunga,1 million category (1.1million during weekend) at Permata Indah (i'm comparing with the 2 model-looking girl in permata),1.3 million category (before bargain) at Hawaii,1.2 million at MM and Indah2,1 million category at New Berry,Tulip at 1 million ,Moonlight 1.2 million rupiah and lastly my secret joint at between 600k to 800k.

As for the other girls,in most joints they will be priced between 600k to 1 million rupiah,except Bunga and Happy 8 where you are likely to see them go hitting the 1 million rupiah mark and up. There are no 600k girls in Bunga and Happy 8.

Price ratings were of my personal experience, other bros may varies. And there is a need to understand every booking joint price their girls differently, not all joint price their girls base solely on looks. Girls can be priced base on if they have given birth,given birth how many times ,their service level and their age.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
Same thing, went to Golden prawn and last pub. This 2 girls were missing from time to time saying need to go toilet. I suspect, they are taking some kind of drug. Face and the actions they did was quite strange.
When I read this,i believe you were stalked by the same muscular guy who brings you your girl. Not going into details,but I can see they were not taking ecstasy. And if they were not into ecstasy,then it would means 'something else' which require some tools that "someone" needs to bring it along for them to 'inhale' becos it is not safe to bring it along with their customers.

At this point,i am only guessing.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
Telling my Friend something fishy. We decided to leave the Pub and proceed back to hotel. Reaching only 5 mins in the room, bell rang. Open up the door and saw this muscular guy again. He started creating commotion that the girl need to leave and threaten / demand me to give Singapore money. I never agree, he started hitting me. I try to defend but due to his physique I lost. Shouts began and due to the sound my friend came to my room. Try to stop him but he get more violent. He only stops when the hotel security came to our help.
See,all the action in about 5 mins upon you reaching back to room. Meaning the muscular guy wasn't far from you guys all along hence I analyze he is just within the area where you were having a drink before you reach your room.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
This muscular guy, by the name of Marine (came to know his name thru my regular OKT later) insist 130 sing dollars for forcing the girl to perform BJ. He also told the security that I hit him first. The girl support his statement. I was frustrated.
This is kind of expected. Therefore the photo of this girl ,Mila is important for me. My guess is,both of them were on drugs and kind of sure their "tools" are still with them when you were assaulted.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
My Friend do not want to persuit the problem further, he request me to give the money he want. I gave 100 dollars and my Friend gave 30 dollars to him. Marine and the girls left the room.
At this point,i am curious of one little thing. After they left,within a short frame of time (a few mins or a few seconds),did the girl Mila knock at your door again to come in to tell you that she forgot something,walked right in and took her things and left?

This is just my curiosity.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
The hotel security ask me to report the matter to police as he saw I have swell on my forehead and cheek. I told him it's ok, going to police have to go hospital for checks and so on and forth. A Long procedure.
The security thought you might die in the hotel room. But good to know all's fine thereafter and that nothing worse happens. Luckily no police,or else I am anticipating further trouble if the police knows you, your friend, who happens to also know Marine,Mila and your friend's girl were on drugs and also with the likelihood that they might have the "tools" for taking drugs with them being found on them. Not counting they will surely point their fingers at you and/or your friend.

Just count the amount of laws you can be frame to have broken, that's excluding paying for sex during Ramadan month.

Totally unimaginable.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
I believe strongly in Karma and be very sure that he will be punished and the girl will be cheated by others.
I believe in Karma too.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
So Bros, be careful in taking girls from OKT whom you don't know or girls on pub. It happened to me and do not want our Singapore Bros to go through the pain I went through.
Just to add,be EXTRA careful of girls whom you suspect later on were on drugs. I am saying this becos no one can exactly tell if a girl will be on drugs during the booking process.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
BTW, if anyone knows this guy call Marine who is staying in Nagoya, stay away from him and his girls..
Definitely and I sincerely thank you for sharing.

The lesson I learned from your incident :

1. Avoid FL girls (or even any girls) who are on drugs,especially those with OKT.

2. Avoid the lesser legit OKT

3. Never keep all money in one place

4. Don't show the girls I can afford to spend (being stingy like me isn't all that bad huh?Hehehe...being stingy but yet being a nice guy helps me a long way)

5. Never count/show money in public places especially with surrounding people I don't know well enough (this should apply all over the world during travelling)

6. This kind of things don't just happen during Ramadan,it can also happen anytime,anywhere. (read on to no.7)

7. This kind of thing also can happen in booking joint,tho quite rare. Below is a lesson I picked up from bro Lucifer in 2016 Jan for your further reference :




Remember the girl Putri from MM in the beginning of 2016? I don't visit MM to see who is Putri for nothing.

8. Losing of money can happen anywhere including massage shops if one isnt vigilant enough ,below is what bro MovingTarget's experience taught me :

9. Never be over-confident. Therefore I always remind myself to be humble in a foreign country regardless how season I am in any country. Its not an easy thing to do for most people including myself.

Lastly,your encounter will be kept in my info vault for my future reference :

I sincerely thank you for sharing your experience with us and hope that you will have a better next trip in Batam after all the good advises from mostly season bros in this forum. The sharing of your experience is a lesson to me.

Added Note : Some of the joints that was known to have quite a handful of girls taking drugs were MM,Memory and Indah2,therefore i visit them lesser than most others.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Last edited by nono1973; 06-07-2016 at 06:39 PM. Reason: changing mei's photo link,thank you for correcting me.