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Old 12-07-2016, 12:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Bro Nono, a lot of your updates on batam cheong scene has indeed provided a lot of important info for our reference, example:
walking map, massage price at massage centres, photos of products, delicious food, hotel room recommendations, KAHA savings, membership savings, etc and not forgetting sexy cewek pictures you posted hehe
Like I have said earlier,one of my reason for collecting information is mainly for myself. Most others were secondary.

1. The walking map : It is usually circulated around Formosa Hotel,Harbour Bay and BCS Mall. It is mainly becos I know how to walk to this 3 places. It is when i do up the Map,did i realize how centralize Formosa is.

2. Massage places and booking joints prices : Once a foundation base pricing is lay out in an informative forum open. It suffocate the market for people attempting to try to make a profit out from each other. Still able to make money,just not in big profits and not be worth the amount of effort put in.

Example : Massage per hour mostly cost around 50k to 120k rupiah an hour. If i pay more than 200k per hour,then i will feel i am overpaying. If basic hj cost between 100k with another 50k to 100k for some value-added service and i am paying 300k or more for it,then that's not very intelligent of me regardless how pretty the girls were. This theory applies to every other things that is sex-related in Batam for me.

Short time were at most time below 400k for me. It will be rare for me to pay 400k and more. Most time its just 200k to 300k,sometime 350k in men's Spa/hotel where people were paying 700k to 1 million (even for SYT pure breed indo Chinese). I do not have any memory of myself paying more than 350k rupiah for any ST in Batam over my 2 year plus in Batam. Lowest paid ST i remember was 150k from one of the hotel,hehehe...on average, most places cost between 200k to 250k rupiah per FJ.

3. Accommodation saving : When I 1st step into Batam in 2014,i stayed in Formosa deluxe room for about S$67 per night. Today...I am sure you know the same hotel same room costing much lesser. Seems to cost lesser each year too yet i am not sacrificing my comfortability in most of the same hotel.

Side note : Being a member in Formosa is still not the cheapest price today,always compare with others source.

4. Cewek picture : I don't think i post any cewek picture I bonked in Batam before. If i did post a picture of a cewek photo,it would most likely be illustration taken from the net.

In general,i believe inflation happens to every country. Price increase is inevitable anywhere but to control the price increase isn't about just going to any internet chatline or forum to make a lot of noise. We share information,try to help and guide one another to understand majority of the basics (eg,how much to pay,how to react/what to do in certain situation etc) and the country's culture. Open up those "base price" in public prefereably with some verification so anyone who are willing to read can know and hopefully understand. Anyone can pay higher or lower than the base price depending on respective individual's pocket and/or intelligence. No one's stopping anyone,hehehe...and thats why beside the collection of information, there are also a lot of 'other things' to learn too.

To date, i dont see any of the bros who has joined me in Batam overpaying. Newbie/s or 1st timer/s to Batam who use the basic Batam guide rarely gets chopped (or get into any sort of trouble) even tho they do make mistakes like i do when i 1st visit Batam during my beginning ,and thats the part where we all grow up,arent it?

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Your sharing of knowledge is like a book to us...
As the old saying goes: A book holds a house of gold...书中自有黄金屋
Your links, your bargaining skill and analysis of market rate of cewek has tonnes of info on money saving tips
No one is always right,bro..including myself. And I believe that different people do things differently. It ultimately lies with how our action were being executed to get what we wanted, done. Many a time,the bargaining,the analyzing and the solution/s provided was base on myself putting 'me' in another person's shoe,to try to understand and see things from their perspective.

something i learned from a movie in Batam and still keeping it in mind

For the same situation/s, others may react differently. It has been brought to discussion so that readers can absorb what best suits them and/or develop their own solution/s for nearly anything.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Nothing is achieved without effort. I always believe that any hard work we put in will eventually brings reward...
By far in this thread,tho i cannot say its been always rewarding,however i have never been betrayed by my own hardwork. I ignore anything that tries to take me away from my focus.

At this point,i would like to comment that replying to your postings has been rewarding as it brought me back to where i begin in Batam. Be humble,be sensitive to others and to be nice.

Thank you bro.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
as the old saying, One man's meat is another man's poison.

Usually people don't always like the same things.
Agreed with you.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
I wondered if you have a liking for the chambermaid cewek who cleans your room...I heard some chambermaid can be booked for short time...
Honestly speaking,so far 8 out of 10 person who clean up my room is a guy. And as for the girls,well...I have never try short time with them before becos at most time,i already have a girl with me in the room when they were making up my room,hehehe... you have just given me a new idea now,hehehe...

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info