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Old 01-08-2016, 02:19 PM
TempterYee TempterYee is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
2. Yes, you will need to pay upfront. And you can request your girl to be deliver at your desired timing. By far,i have not hear of any undelivered girls but I do heard of girls being delivered late becos the girl overslept or met with some 'accident'. For precaution reason, always get a name card from the joint or if they didn't have,get the phone number of the OKT who deals with you. Of course,they can purposely scam your money yet you cannot do anything about it but the consequences for them will be a stain to the joint's name which eventually brought them less customers when word of such gets out.

When you pay in full,it is usually about S$50 to S$150 (base on my own definition of overnight girl pricing). But they scam you,they will definitely lose more than those amount in $ if you start telling everyone in this thread about it.
1 thg on the side note is if the girls get into sm sort of "accident" & the joint weren't able to fulfill their part of the bargain to deliver the girl,going back dwn to the joint to get yr money back or go back to choose another girl can be a pain in the azz due to the timing where most better girls have already been picked off.

Good thg is,this sort of situation were pretty much veri rare & if it ever happens,it'll be purely bad luck.

Originally Posted by m600 View Post
She send me some of her photo too but i don't know how upload to the page if you want i can email u or wechat you just PM la.

Guys please cheong carefully !
While it means well to warn others against a would-be-thief during early july who stole from her customer in the btm chionging scene,but if 1 keeps on posting/quoting her photo in this thread ,u may be indirectly helping her to PROMOTE her business when her wechat contact is being open to the public. Too much of anythg was never a good thg. I believe u mean well,but i do hope u understd what u are trying to do here MAY have an opp effect.

The 1st page of this thread taught one how to upload an image to be post here. Fyi,there's also an edit button where u may edit yr own post & do be considerate,refrain from quoting an entire post. (ever wonder y is Rini's photo in a post when u were talking abt Mey?)

I'm suggesting here,no intention on teaching anyone on how/what to post.