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Old 02-08-2016, 05:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
I pay the money, you give me the service. Purely commercial biz transaction.
The most I can do is just treat them like I treat a human.

Dun give me those sob stories when the basic service I paid for is sorely lacking.
I need to agree with you on this part. Anyway I go,i try not to get too attached with the girls. I just treat them as friend, acquaintance, a paid company etc. Everyone including u and me have our own sob story, hehehe... i doubt the girls wish to hear my story.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
If that's true, I definitely exclude you could be hit in some attack then.
Prevention, always better than cure. *kiasu*

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Batam's landmark?
I doubt you will stop staying in Formosa
I will not leave it.
Popular landmarks in Batam, definitely not Formosa hotel (or any hotels).

If i google Batam, Formosa definitely wont be the 1st to come out.

Management earthquake in Formosa Hotel on July when i was there, handful of familiar faces will be leaving their jobs. Kind of feeling sad about it as many has become more like friends to me.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Maybe i should rephrase my question. I do know the package price includes a cut for the OKT or joint boss, which the OKT can nego the price with you to a certain level he is comfortable. It is also true that the OKT will have a clearer picture of the girls in the joint (good or bad in simple terms).
It is usually the girls that need to bribe the OKT and not the customers. Simple reason,the OKT do not know my liking for girls (if I am new/beginner),his/her recommendation were very unlikely to suit me. Just like I say before,girls who are good to me may not be good to other bros. Girls who treat me badly maybe treating other bros better.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
My question is do any of you seniors practice tipping the OKT to get 'better' recommendations or heads up to help with your selections? Why I am asking is because this seems normal in other scenes to 'build relationships'. If no one does it, surely as hell I wont want to be the first to do it, I prefer to contribute preserving our 'heaven' the way it is so it wont get screwed up like in SG now.
In KTV (Sillypore),i practice tipping the mami for her to bring me good/new girls. In booking joint/massage shops, its the other way around, they buy me drinks at times (usually those cup-size mineral water) and occasionally a simple meal for me to try their certain new girls, hehehe...not FOC of course, i still need to pay the overnight booking fee. (Most often i will need to think thrice if something good is given to me for free)

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