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Old 04-08-2016, 10:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Planned to sit 0940H Horizon ferry to Harbour bay but when I reached at 0900H saw there was a timing for 0915H so fast hand fast leg board the ferry. I still prefer Horizon ferry since its more comfortable and smooth for me. For those who dont want to queue when reaching Batam customs can take their business class, allows you to get out of the ferry first and have a pirority queue
If I were to visit Batam on weekends,i may take the business class. Just to beat the crowd but weekdays,it doesnt make a difference.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Time check and I was very early, so I walked over to Nagoya Complex and search for any decent cafes, sad to say I didn't find any artisan cafes over there so just settled at Godiva cafe for my morning coffee(about 20k) while waiting for the RIA Ayam Penyet(22k) to open at 11.30am.
Good job,at least walk to get a feel of how the surrounding is like.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
After brunch walked over to find Goldbird as my first stop for shopping. This is the part I guess many brothers got abit lost, I searched around Goodway hotel(the whole area behind it,every alley) and found nothing.
When you are at Goodway,you are already in the wrong direction. Landmark point should be Batam Star (or Lai Lai Hotel),walk behind Lai Lai hotel and then circle the building opposite (there are 2 buildings opposite, so you just have to try out),you should find Gold Bird. It is now w/o a sign board,so you don't see the word Gold Bird written there (no Sedona words either,just a blank signboard).

The photo below shows the Gold bird wordings with sign board

Hope it can help you in your future trip. And below is some addition guide for your future reference :

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
So I gave up and walked over to find New Berry. Location was not difficult to find, reach about 12noon and went inside to have a look, have about 15-20 girls, what I expect to see in booking joints today is mostly those leftovers. Saw non I liked so just bookmarked one and ask the price...was quoted 1.6mil because she is young lol.
Congratulation! You found New Berry,hehehe...

1.6 million rupiah is the price before you bargain down. Looks like your aim were quite high, mostly SYT type of girls you were plying at. Every joint price their girls differently. They may have known you are new to Batam,my guess.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Said no thanks and walked over to JV Happy 8, more girls here about 20-30, also mostly leftovers but say a few alright looking ones and bookmarked them (forgot ask price -.-).
Happy 8 will always have left-over almost all the time be it weekends or weekdays. Just that weekdays there are more leftovers and weekends less. Their book out rate is about 70% at best. High competition there among the girls.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
While walking over to find Indah 2, there was this motorguy keeo pestering me to bring me around. I clearly said no and show zero interest but he just keep talking in his language, even drove up pavement to block my walking way which clearly pissed me off. He just kept following me until I reached a coffee shop, so I took the chance to raise my voice and said 'Hello I need tell you NO how many times? I walk, no motor no taxi'. He replied saying I am tourist and he is Indo bla bla bla. He didnt bother the people looking from the shop so I also cant be bothered and continue my search for Indah2(it looks quite clear he is not normal, probably a drug addict or with other motives).
I need to compliment you one little thing here which I found that you use your common sense. You WALKED into a coffee shop before you raised your voice. No need me to say this again,you are in foreign land and in a place like Indonesia,even if you are right you will still be wrong and with your action,you obviously knows what you are doing there. Thumbs up on this one.

Solution : Get used to this kind of pestering from ojek or I should say, 'Persistent pushy Saleman' element. Its part and parcel of Batam everyday life for tourist who are alone. Ignore them like you would use the ignore button in this forum,hehehe...reject them once or maybe even twice firmly but politely,don't give them any more attention (or false hope by smiling at them) thereafter and they will auto buzz-off in a matter of time. (I am used to it)

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Anyway found Indah2, have 5 girls inside, one looks quite to my liking and was quoted 800k, I was surprised the young girl was quoted at this price but i still want to explore further for my first trip. Got out walked back to Happy 8 area and took a motor to Pertama Indah(30k), inside only 3 girls and they cant be bothered with me so I left.
Try the 800k girl the next time if you got a chance. I have never seen the girl you mention nor met you before. Yet i dare say i 'recommend' you to try the 800k girl in Indah 2. (those who knows me knew i rarely recommend) Reason for my recommendation is,since she caught your attention,and at even if she don't reach your requirement at the end of the night,i am sure there is still some value-to-try. And what if she turns out "good"? It would be a bonus. Hehehe...well...if you are ever there again,no harm trying since its only 800k (S$81).

Permata Indah has only 3 girls? 1st thing that comes into my mind is what time did you reach there? Permata Indah girls usually don't bother to look at customer coming for one main reason,becos they CANNOT see you. Between you and the girls,there's a glass panel that blocks them from looking at you. You can see them but they cannot see you unless you stretch your head beyond the glass panel.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Decided to go back and try to find Goldbird again since I see so many brothers with good reviews from there. Took a motor(15k) straight to Batam Star and start seaching again. Finally found Goldbird(Sedona), the shop actual name is Orchid 99, white background signboard. Main door is made of wood and wall is blueish tiles, it is located directly at the building infront of Batam Star hotel closer to the main road. Went inside and only 2 girls left, rest all taken.
I guess no need to reply you on this one as i have made an earlier reply to it some time ago.

You were at the wrong place.

And just to add,there's really not many good reviews on Gold Bird recently,neither are there bad ones. Just that service level is more consistent there. Remember,they are the only booking joint that i would say has near 100% book out rate consistently even on weekdays.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
So now I knew only new Berry and Happy 8 have girls but I dont like the New berry OKT which is obviously trying to make me a carrot head. So decided to head back to Happy 8 and just pick a girl for the day, went inside have a good look, spotted a late 20s girl with slim figure and nice curves and was quoted 1mil so I agreed. At the counter before paying i took 1 last look and saw this girl looking at me machiam straight into my eyes, she look interested in me so I decided to change to her in hopes of better service. Was quoted 1.4mil(because the mummy say I am Singaporean), knew it was nonsense but I am too tired to bargain after walking nearly 1.5hours around all the joints in my slippers. So just arranged for her to come to my room at 4pm.
The thing about Batam is, higher pricing for girls do not equate to better service. In fact,base on my seems to work the direct opposite at most time, hehehe... (i guess that's why i feel confident to 'recommend' you to take the 800k girl from Indah2)

Personal perspective : Usually those who don't bargain for small amount will not bargain for any bigger amount or even bargain at all becos batam is known to be "dirt cheap" to them (i have said this before since about 2 years ago that Batam in Batam terms were somewhat expensive).

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Feeling satisfied, head back to Nagoya Complex for a solid massage before my sex session begins. Wanted to try Majestic Massage but its full, so walked beside to Sakura and took 2hr thai massage(400k). I wanted a clean massage to relax my muscles so dont mind this places with higher price since they need to have enough revenue.
Majestic and Sakura were fairly good massage places meant for Tourist mainly for Sillypore families. Their massage were known to be good.

Originally Posted by osamalee View Post
Btw Majestic massage is on Tripadvisors so brothers who want clean massage can try this place. The lady that massage me started with stepping on my legs and back, using her toes and body weight to crack my whole back(very shiok).
If i stay in Formosa,i wouldn't want to walk to Nagoya Hill Mall for a massage if i am tired,becos opposite has Relax Massage which was popularly known to be clean and good ;and at a much lower price. And if i wish to a similar ambience as those of Sakura and Majestic,i would go for Nagoya Spa Massage :

Out of Formosa Hotel Main glass door,turn left and walk straight. Walk past the block beside center point and turn left. 3 mins walk in all,i guess.

* i have exceeded 10k words in this one,so i need to divide the reply into 2 posts.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info