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Old 09-08-2016, 10:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Happen to chance upon all the ferry companies from the Singapore Cruise Centre and run thru them a little :

From Harbour Front alone :

Batamfast Ferry makes about 12 to 14 trips to Batam Center daily

Sindo Ferry makes about 12 to 14 trip to Batam Center daily

Majestic Ferry makes about 12 trips to Batam Center daily

From Tanah Merah Ferry terminal :

Batamfast makes about 9 trips to Batam's Nongsapura ferry terminal daily.

Notice how many ferries were embarking at Batam Center? Thats not counting others not from Harbour Front or other neighboring countries. How not to be crowded? How not to get messed up one day in the long run?

Batam itself is already unpredictable enough,hehehe...I go Batam to relax and enjoy myself,i just dont wish to be face with too many uncertainties and even more unpredictables for simple traveling matters.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Actually i feel that Horizon ferry in Harbour Bay is more flexible in many aspect as compare to Batam center (eg,Harbour Bay allows less than 15 mins check in time,even 5-10 mins at times too). I am one who make many last min changes on my ferry timing,and going by Harbour Bay enables me to be in better control whenever i made any such changes. The difference is,i dont like to rush things,it almost always wouldnt turn out well. i do tends to plan for bad situation in case i am faced with one, the same reason why i often have a plan B.

Over my last 2 year plus in Batam,there are handful of things i cannot control.

1. i cannot control when the haze is coming where ONLY Batam center will halt all their ferry service (for half a day)

2. i cannot control the Batam local from protesting near Batam center (causing traffic jam)

3. i cannot control the seabed at Nongsa where it is more rockier during low tide (a ferry sank there somewhere last year)

4. i cannot control terrorist from spreading flyers that they plan to bomb certain area (fear inducing)

5. i cannot control terrorist from firing a bazooka to Sillypore in an area where Batam can see Singapore. (sekupang)

6. i cannot control Batam center custom officer from sending me back to Sillypore when they already have a history of sending back an average of 50 people per month (as stated in news)

7. i cannot control when someone tries to smuggle something into/out of Batam Center (since its always crowded there which makes smuggling easier) and got caught

If i dont remember reading wrongly in the old thread,in Sillypore changing of ferry timing (to a certain number of times) need to pay extra few dollars,but in Batam back to Sillypore, changes were free.
Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
The main reason/s why i prefer to go thru Harbour Bay Ferry terminal is becos I can be in better control in many aspect beside the 7 points above. And i will never have to be held ransom by any taxi driver/ojek when they dont drop their prices,hehehe...becos i know i can walk anywhere i wish to go to from thereon. Not that i like walking from Harbour Bay to hotel in every trip,but what happen if there is a "if"? Like a riot? A taxi driver protest? Haze? Rain? Some political big shot coming to Batam? It has happen before,and it wont stop happening in future.
Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
If i make it a habit to travel via Batam center,imagine the many uncertainties which are beyond my control on my Batam trips. Even if i may save a few dollars,i have to leave hotel at an earlier timing,or reach hotel at a later time. The waiting time to chop my passport,the time for the ferry to reach the harbour,the crowd due to many ferries debarking there,the queue...last but not least,i ask myself...if i am a terrorist,to choose a ferry terminal to bomb,which one will i pick? Hehehe....

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info