Originally Posted by iicycold
Bro,u forgot almost 3 yrs ago,exchg rate was less than 9k for 1 sing $ & w the current depleting rates on older hotels,it jus gets cheaper & cheaper if one is comfortable enuff.
You just reminded me my 1st trip to Batam in 2014 was about 88xx for 1 SGD. Today I see an about 10% down to 98xx for 1 SGD.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
It is luck factor whom u going to get in cheonging. There is always a next time, a next try
Agreed with you. Next time, hope for better luck.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
Took Ferry arrive Batam Center @10:30am, unfortunately encounter downpour spend nearly 1 hour eat and drink in the shopping mall connected by a flyover with terminal to find no sign of stop. So come down to the mall gate and there is a guy there to offer taxi service. was charged 75K for taxi to my hotel - Hotel HANA - I know it is carrot chopping but I didn't find anywhere to reach a taxi or ojek since still raining hard.
Rainy weather kind of no choice. You could wait for the rain to stop but I doubt anyone will since most of our time in Batam worth very much more than the 15k to 25k rupiah difference in taxi rate. You arrived to Batam Center and the distance from Harbour Bay Ferry terminal versus Batam Center ferry terminal is at least thrice the difference in distance and timing.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
After reaching hotel, check in. To find the hotel is OK in terms of location, but not hot enough hot water. staff explain saying due to raining, guess they are using solar system for heat water?
Thank you for sharing, now I know more about Hana Hotel.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
anyway will try another hotel next time. also future bros can take reference from this.
After settle down, step outside the hotel, find a small convenient store to get some supply (I bet you all know what is it, lol) then was approached by some taxi driver to offer tour service for booking girl. Since I am still new to Batam scene, I took one looks like nice guy and accept his offer of 50K to booking joints. It maybe another cost I can cut off in the future, anyway for the first time I will take it as kind of tuition fee.
Feel free to try both method (walking and taxi/ojek) when it comes to travelling in Batam and find out what suits you best. Better still, use both methods of travelling to your advantage and get rid of the no good part. Keep on modifying your trip to make it better and better.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
please don't laugh at me although I know I deserved it
The reason why bros here stays in Hana is at most time becos New Berry is just across the street. I don't understand why others would laugh at you. There's nothing to laugh about.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
I found it is really hard to bargain down since they are really firm about the price even those just so so looking girl. Maybe it is just because my bargain skills sucks, lol.
Practice make perfect. Each massage session cost 60k to 80k per hour in most places. Price of special service will go down if you die die don't take it up,hehehe...well, given that its almost a fact that massage ladies mainly have one or at most just 2 customers a day.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
Finally I have taken 1 for 300K and 1 for 350K and turned down another one which at least want 400K.
Beautiful Massage girl
face 6/10
body 7/10
FJ 6/10
Pegy Massage girl
face 7/10
body 7/10
FJ 5/10
You just remind me why I couldn't find myself taking up any ST at 400k/500k and above in Batam. Utama area's ST is usually range between 200k to 300k from my experience. On average,they have perhaps 1 or maximum 2 customers a day,if they miss out their chance of you taking up the special they prompted you upon,that would probably means its a "lost" to them for even coming to work on that particular day.
The one who holds the money will always be at an advantage in Utama area,but not everyone who holds the money were somewhat intelligent enough; base on your description that you have to turn down a 400k one who die die wants that price. It means some not-very-intelligent/or weak-willed bros has paid the 400k (or more) to her before,hence she is so bend on the 400k.
Just a personal point of view.
Originally Posted by Wdydx
Hope my FR sharing could somehow be helpful to other newbies. Actually I do learned a lot from all those good bros sharing this this thread. Senior bros also please advise any mistakes I have made. any comments or recommendations are welcome. Cheers for chionging bros!
I don't know if your FR sharing is helping anyone but it sure has helped me.
Something to share base on your experience,if inflation is so often claimed to be high in Batam,i will allow it to work towards my advantage rather than going against the flowing tide.
Prices of daily necessities were getting higher in Batam each month due to inflation? It affects us as much as it will be affecting their locals working there too. If their job system (or payroll system) do not change,they will very much often get the similar basic salary which cannot catch up with their inflation. It would somewhat means they need to EARN MORE to be able to enjoy the same thing they have some years ago,so that works towards my advantage when I pay them almost the same as what I did 2.5 years ago becos if they don't take up my offer,they have nothing at the end of the day.
My conclusion is,i will reject all special service offer in any massage shops that were above my benchmark. And I know I can afford to reject them becos each hourly massage only cost between 50k to 100k most time. And i know I can get 200k to 300k fj (350k max) nearly everywhere in Batam,why should I pay anything in 400k and above under a normal circumstances? (much easier during weekdays too)
I also ask myself,if booking joint is charging 400k to 500k per pop,how much does the girls bring home after the OKT and the joint itself took part of the money? And then if a FL via wechat/watsapp charges 400k to 600k per pop,how much does she brings home at the end of the day? Lastly,how much does a massage girl who took up 200k to 300k fj brings home?
Do the maths and it gives me a better understanding how much a good bonk cost in Batam. Therefore using my simple ways of calculation,i have concluded that wechat/wattsapp/ and FLs at the NED in Batam is the MORE EXPENSIVE bonk of it all. (not to mention its the least-safe too)
Note : My calculation is base solely on a per bonk basis,not counting in the good time which some might have while drinking with the girls,having a good TCSS time in NED pubs/disco/clubs etc and/or in a massage shop where one has a wonderful private massage time. I would still urge all to remain vigilant with personal valuables with any working girl anywhere,not just wechat/FLs.
A personal perspective.
Thank you for sharing and may your next trip to Batam, be better than your current.