Before i even reach DC Mall...oh well...i chance upon some street performers who was conjuring some indonesia unknown called the Pochong to have it possess a man.
(in case no one notice,DC Mall is just right beside where they perform)

Believe me,i know this is a bluff...but the fact i stood there for more than an hour to watch the street performers perform shows that the show was pretty good. And i think the performers did a pretty good job.
Honestly,this summary is going to be quite long with me just trying to explain most part of their performance. Please keep in mind that i do not understand their language and that there is a need for me to see most part of the show before i can understand what they were doing. And its broad daylight of a late afternoon with the sun still up in the sky.
Lets move nearer to have a closer look,hehehe...
1st performance,he release the top part of the milky-looking sack of bag holding the man in it which was known to have been possess by a spirit of a pochong. (please note that the man in the bag was also being tied up from the inside by many ropes)
The next thing is he gets some help from one the audience to tie the milky-looking sack of bag from the outisde...
...and have him move closer to the tent and the supposing altar of the Pochong Spirit.
After which,the magician aka performer chanted something for a min or so and begin to move the tent-like looking thing (which is just beside the man in that sack) over to the man in the milky-looking sack....
...continue to the next post...
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