Thread: Advise please
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Old 26-05-2006, 11:21 AM
singrakthai singrakthai is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bkkjun
I would not be drinking nam pao on normal situations other than i am sick...that's why i buying bottled water from 7eleven.
*LOL* ok lah, i've no doubt u were sick now ok? I'm very convinced! Ok ok, u looked nerdy and shitty because u were sick that day ok? Usual day maybe u looked like Aaron Kwok but I not sure since I only met u 1 time and unfortunetly u were sick. hehehe
Originally Posted by bkkjun
yah u saw the hippo who i supposed to give u the tag no?That was the one me and my gf agreed on giving u the tag no...dun play play,she so CMI but got young nippons BF her..duno why..kekeke
I can't even remember what tag number u gave since u already said it was a fake one.... ... well, did ur gf get bar-fined by young nippons or old nippons or young farangs or old farangs then? hehehe
Originally Posted by bkkjun
waitress only earns 4kbaht...excluding tips...but if sick and take off days,cut until no money left. Did u read from stickmanbangkok,since u always reading,u should know monthly basic salary for Nana bars "were" very high back then...raising to 10k to 12k baht on the 3rd floor though...competition that time.
Rates in these AGOGO bars are always changing.. I also not sure who to believe. So its true ur "ABAC" AGOGO ex-gf choose to work in Rainbow4 not because of money but jus because her friends were working there and invited her to join?
Originally Posted by bkkjun
She does not put on makeup,when she does...she looks like red arse baboon...kekeke...
First u say she ugly, now u say she look like "red arse baboon".... oh well.... some things never changed....
Originally Posted by bkkjun
She is naturally pretty without makeup,or just some foundation makeup..unlike some i see have thick makeups...i normally do not go for those type..maybe ur type...
u "normally" don't go for those type who look like "red arse baboon" when put on too much makeup? Ya lor, actually I agree with u about this one.... some of the AGOGO girls should take up make-up lessons.... but i understand since most of them come from the villages anyway.... did ur "ABAC" AGOGO ex-gf ever take up make-up lessons? What about hair-dressing courses? Alot of AGOGO girls always turn to hair styling after they decided to quit one...
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