Now let me tell the fun part. She had one of those small devices, portable WiFi access points, where you put a SIM and then you can connect as many WiFi devices you like. It's fantastic: you buy a local SIM with data plan
et voila, your personal phone is always connected to Internet anywhere you go around, without having to change the SIM
of your phone.
So, back to the girl, after dinner I told her:
"You are not going to leave me alone tonight right?"
And she replied
"NOOOO...!" enthusiastically.
Then, I smiled. My night was going to be happier than I expected just 24 hours before. So what?
Once out of the restaurant, we headed to my rented car. Then did I drive straight to my room? NO.
We roamed around the small city instead (a cold windy rainy sea town, lonely because out of the summer holiday season)
catching POKEMON 
, all around the streets and reloading the purse by looping around and repeating visits to PokeStops.
I could not believe I could play again Pokemon so far from my home country, and thanks to the wifi of my lovely new Japanese girl. Before meeting her, I could only connect to fixed WiFi points, such as the hotel, the restaurants,... Not really suitable to play Pokemon (after a while spent on waiting a lonely Pidgey who decides to appear conveniently in the room, one gets bored)
Only after 30-40 minutes of Pokemon hunting, we headed to my room.
Yes, she meant it seriously, when she said she would have spent all the night with me. Not just Pokemon.

(but she thanked me to make her rise her level from 1 to 5 during the drive)