03-10-2016, 09:13 PM
Samster (A)
Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌
Originally Posted by Edit
Promise TS to give a review after trying.
Met TS within 12 hours from posting on thread till collection. Friendly chap, and give full details and explanation on how to use the pills.
Tired 1 full pill, and gave me the most wonderful time for me and my partner. Evening 2 hours, night 3 hours, morning 1 hours. Have not tried trusting continuously for 3 hours before and still feeling super hard. Even my partner also mentioned had best of her time.
Now both of us look forward to our next session. Thanks TS for bringing in such products. And hopefully stock will never break.
Thanks once again.
Originally Posted by NecessaryEvil
Totally agree with you. Definitely one of the better products around. The hardness factor is amazing. Good stuff!
Originally Posted by Cumaster
Is damn shiok rite? Lol. Really different from before n can give more confidence. The girl feel ur rocky little bro liao already feel shiok. My girl feels turned on just by touching and sucking on it. She say feel like very swollen wen inside her n make her more shiok.
Originally Posted by bcguy
Just cum from my 2nd round not so long ago. Decide to sneak in a quick afar since my girl has fallen asleep. Definitely didn't plan for 2nd round as I'm usually a 1 shot man.
After done with 1st shot, was lying in bed chatting when my girl was holding on to my dick and rubbing my dickhead with her thumb. Asked me if I'm horny as she feels abit different today but in a good way. Before I know it, her thumb made my dick come alive again n there we went for round 2. She was as shock as I but she definitely wasn't complaining. Dick really rock hard and I'm sure she love that feeling.
Would recommend this to bros out there who wants abit more kick in their birdie. 2 thumbs up! Nite guys.
Originally Posted by Loverofpussies
The pills are really fantastic! It's kind of a rainy day thing for me. On days when one is really exhausted and simply can't maintain an erection due to fatigue, the pills are a life-saver. One's performance shoots through the roof whenever one takes it and it helps one to last longer as well. I can't count the number of times when I can't seem to be in the mood as well as rise to the occasion, but by taking the pills, I seem to have overcome that.
Originally Posted by fishee50
Bought last year to help with my erections since age is catching up.
Basically what has been said abt this pill has already been said. The erections are rock hard and my partner enjoys the fuller me. Definitely gives a very fast recovery time as u will easily get hard again. I had limited side effects which went away as I consume the pills more over time. So can't complain. From its price and it's worth, it's definitely money well spent.
Originally Posted by bh69sg
Have tried many sexual performance product.....i would rate this product a 5 star rating!
Just consume half the pill to test the effect...Result was wonderful...it already so hard and head so shiny  (You can imagine the hardness).
Effect wear off after 2 to 3 days (Subject to different body).
I know many guys here want to know is there any side effect after consuming this 'Wonder' pill.
After tried twice (One pill but break into half to test effect). The conclusion is
-> Slight headache but manageable.
->Didn't suffer stuff nose.
-> Although both my ankle is aching pain. Especially my right ankle hurts more due to hairline fracture that i sustain during my childhood. Maybe that explains it.
-> Heart beat is relatively higher than usual but not to the extend of discomfort.
Comfortable with half pill dosage. Will try one whole pill when next opportunity arises.
To summarised all,
This pill is highly effective to provide the extra boost to your performance (If you are planning for many hours of sexual activity). Compare those product i have tried previously the side effect for this product is limited base on half a pill dosage (Subject to difference individual performance).
Hope this review helps all that need advice on this wonderful product and lastly remember to drink more water due to hot weather and hot sexual activity.
~~~May the urge always with you~~~ 
Originally Posted by TheEmpire
Popped a pill yest morning. Have been having sex since yest afternoon n today the cock still can get up n hard with the slightest of arousal. Penis is rock hard and it really helps for a more consistent erection without fear that the cock will get soft. It's like it's on auto-pilot. Partner had a good time riding me and good to feel her juices rolling down my shaft to my tummy. Get even more turned on and dick gets even harder. Omg. Also find that I can last longer cos it's so hard.
Originally Posted by Herus
Had purchases the pill and tried it. All I can say is that all the claims are true. These pills are FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!
Rock hard penis, fast recovery, lasts long and minimal side effects. Anybody who enjoys having sex should try this stuff. Damn good. Rather, damn fucking good these pills.
Originally Posted by geylangfucker
Of course they are awesome. I'm been using for the past one year.
Everytime my gf never get enough of my hard dick. I think I need more tonics now. Lol
Originally Posted by weihc
long overdue review owed...
have no issues getting hard and no pe to worry about... but that means I would sometimes get too tired out by pumping too long... so much so that I could get flaccid if I don't come after 20-30mins.
so last night, I took half a pill...was just after dinner so, worried if the effect enough or not.
by the time I got to bed with wife... we messed about in 69 and I was rock hard... felt harder and hotter than usual... and I proceeded to really start pumping my wife...which this time round... I was hard all the way for 30+mins...before I came real hard in my wife. which surprised her a little by our more intense session.
too bad, I was still hard after the deed. but I'm not fit enough for round 2 lol. tired out by the more intense session.
but to my surprise... I woke up with morning wood and my wife felt me spooning her... and this morning we had another round for 30mins before we got ready for work. didn't have issue maintaining hardness due to the urgency to finish before going to work lol.
good stuff. not much other effects felt, except that I feel my heart/pulse beat faster and thirstier.
Originally Posted by weihc
lol... my wife likes sex often... so... every other day we have sex... the pill in a way helps me keep up when we go over drive, especially over the weekends.
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