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Old 20-10-2016, 10:51 AM
Kaboon Kaboon is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I have by far not name anyone who joined me in any of my Newbie and/or other group trips in any way that they would easily be identified in the public unless i have their permission to do so. Its a form of respect. By admitting you joined me before,you have indirectly expose certain part of yourself...any public conflict in the internet world,and in this case the forum SBF will be yourself to bear (and blame).

No worries,i'm ok.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I am glad to see many newbies who are now independently cheonging Batam on their own,even tho i still have to say,not everyone is suitable for Batam. Being rich (or not) or able-to-afford (or not) in any way do not means i have to pay a higher price for something i can pay for at a lower price. Anyone could splurge or stinge on anything they feel worthy or not worthy of becos everyone play differently (eg,i can splurge on hotel rooms and stinge on girls,and it can be vice-versa for others).
Well said & all thanks to you,newbies who READS this thread & try to find answers doesn't have to go through a Getting-Trashed ceremony like in the past b4 they're able to reach btm.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
BUT,it is ultra easy to pay a million dollar for an apple,but it wont be easy when one choose to pay a dollar for the similar apple most others paid half a million dollar for.

One man's meat,another man's poison.
Easiest way to turn into a Carrot is, DON'T READ this thread,go btm to let ppl chop & then come back here to tell ppl, "hmm...i pay a very much higher price for nearly everythg any1 wld've paid but i enjoy myself very much."...LOL

I'd really took my hats off such.