Originally Posted by iicycold
Y such hostility towards my 'unhelpful' ans?
Yea,my ans may've came after u r'bered but yr GOOD MEMORY din't shw up on ani post b4 my ans wen u asked ,NOR did u amend yr qns wen u recalled. This is a Public Forum bro,in case yr good memory fails u agn. No one can READ yr mind tat u aldy recall the ans unless u amended yr post or make another postin saying so.
Well,unless every1 who reads yr post has telekinesis power.
Yr post i replied 2 :
U ask 4 hints din't u? I gave it 2 u wat u asked 4,& moreover,u got the sequence wrg too. It's Keyza,then Hallo Kitty followed by Beautiful. There's no massage shps beside Keyza other than Hallo Kitty. Beautiful is beside Hallo Kitty,& not Keyza.
A simple thking 4 my reply wld be sufficient instead of telling me my ans is unhelpful & i'm wasting my effort. Did i waste my effort directing u 2 the pic? For nw,I doubt so bcs u hav jus shwn 2 me more abt yrself frm yr current action.
Go read my post 2 yr reply agn
..& then yr reply 2 me
U'll need 2 giv yr 'Good Memory' sm time 2 engage w yr action b4 u ask a qn the next time rd.
Peace out...
i feel sorry for my memory MY ANSWER IS NICE MASSAGE.
oh pig brain can't remember too many thing.
no offence as i just help my friend to ask about this shop.
as a make up i answer to Tom cat question.
keyza is now not recommended to go
As last time i went they change the boss and remove 40% discount.
not sure any improvement, But compare to others massage with special. Keyza is CONFIRM EXPENSIVE! JUST A B2B NOT EVEN GOING HJ
My sincere answer as i still holding to the 3 session get 1 free stars chop card. :