I am suppose to take a video shot and post ot here but apparently ,age is catching up with me and I forget!!! This forgetfulness has made this summary a little incomplete for me,not something I hope for...
Anyway,to help me to navigate in future,i will need to post the name card here :
Its a new place and I am using bro Hurhurrahrah's map to navigate...
Map is from bro Hurhurrahrah

The approximate location is there and to be exact, just locate the popular Allium Hotel,walk INTO the hotel,walk out again and then turn left...and straight downward across the big road. Continue to walk downward and try circling the few buildings. I can only describe it that way until I can get my animated image up on my probably next summary.
Its one of my potential place to go to,and honestly speaking...Happy 8 is out for me over my last nearly 1 year in Batam due to the high influx of many construction workers from Sillypore who arrive to "gangbang" their girls raw...this Link KTV would be deem a more "healthier" and cleaner choice for me (or at least the girls look and feel more healthier to me),hehehe...to each of its own.
Oh yes,we went to Sri Kandy too...
Photo below taken from bro BFOMF5's post

Apparently,the boss themed each of its branch with a different color theme,hehehe...we went to other joints which I think I am not going to be too specified here and one of the joint actually caught my attention. Memory...its near to Link KTV,hehehe...
Happy 8 and Kupu was meant for massage,Sri Kandy was also for massage...and then Link was a KTV...hmm...interesting set up. I have a feeling....the scattered egg might be crushed, hehehe... and what I meant was they are likely to crush by their own customer base originating from Happy 8. I don't mean they will die, but more of instead of gaining more market share, they are more likely to have to compete against each other. Time will time.
Photo below taken from bro BFOMF5's post

Everyone seems to moving towards the newed joints and I choose to walked backward in this trip,hehehe....turning a situation to my favor. And base onmy satisfactory level of this trip,i think it was a success.
An illustration : And with no disrespect to anyone or any culture,it is just like many would think its not a good time to go Thailand now...but for me, there lies EVEN MORE opportunities. At least I get to see view/s of what I may not get to see for likely the next century. In short,to see the normal Thailand,every other day also can do that...but if want to see the current Thailand,its probably a once in a life time thingy.
The above illustration is also how I play my Batam game plan. When everyone flooded to Happy 8,i move away...when everyone flooded to Kupu/Sri Kandy,i move away too...when everyone didn't like Permata Indah/Memory anymore,i start moving in...hehehe...one man's meat,another man's poison.