Originally Posted by Nulgath
Hv u tried working around it? Like u always did...
You already knew my answers base on what you just said, didnt you?
Paying much higher price than 'normal' for everything to get around Batam is way too easy, anyone could do that. Or i put it in other words,no Sillyporean going to Batam cannot do that.
Normal is define here as what the price most local normally pays.
Originally Posted by Kaboon
Bro,like that it's 6 shots liao.
Originally Posted by TempterYee
Keeping tab on yr coming 34th trip summary.
Already done up my summary a week plus after i return to Singapore,i was trimming it to cut back on the number of posts and waiting for the right time to put it up. Its on the below link :
Happy reading.
Originally Posted by TempterYee
Always good to knw that others were reading yr postings by the many folds.
Yes,i do know many were reading my postings,some even keeping track of it. And yes,i am happy about it.
If you do not like to read my post/s,you can also click on the IGNORE button below any of my postings and you wont get to read any of my postings,ever. But if you really do that,i believe you may be missing out quite a bit
You know my message above isnt for you,right? Its meant for those who didnt like my posting/s and/or be finding me long-winded, hehehe...(sorry about that long-winded part tho,hehehe...) i also have quite a list of people i use the ignore button on whereby I find their postings not relevant to thread title. And worry not, you are not one of them,hehehe...
I put some words on my signature that says :
it means

A constant reminder to myself, be strong,be intelligent and don't be a weakling.
We all know the reason/s why we come to this thread for and it is definitely not for something else unrelated to the thread title.
Originally Posted by Kaboon
U are really fortune teller,aldy knew which bro will quote yr whole post & which 1 wn't.
I use multi-quoting to reply to bros whom i knew will less likely to quote my whole long post. For bros who has the tendency to quote my whole long post,i either use the Hide button or Quote-lock method so they dont have a chance to break the forum rules and later risk to have their post removed.
Unless i find it necessary,otherwise i also try not to reply to those who would quote my whole long post too. Respect others,so others can get a chance to respect you...my personal point of view.
Originally Posted by devilman
Just that over the years my objectives to goes overseas have change from steal eating to exploring the place which remind me of my childhood and looking for foods of Asia origin . All the markets at batam really bring back good memories when I was a kid .
Looking for girls were secondary. Maybe just for a short companionship or sudden need .
I dont know if you are Chinese,but what you just said reminds me of...
At some point of life living in a busy city, we would love to take a break from time to time to re-live ourselves in the good old days all over again. And Batam is a not-bad choice.
Enjoy Batam! Enjoy life!