Originally Posted by syt4me
Reached harbourbay in the morning and took a cab to hotel .
As soon as I got wifi, got contacted by fellow sammy. Met 5 mins later,
and brought me to nagoya mall to get sim card and lunch after booking joints.
It took me quite a while to finish reading your FR a few times. Each time i finished reading, I have been thinking what was your objective of going to Batam?
Originally Posted by syt4me
kupukupu, happy 8 then bunga: all either not suitable, or little variety
Now, with the company of a taxi driver i am curious on whats the time you went for girl-shopping? Let me trace back,you got to Batam on 15th Nov 2016,Tuesday as you said you returned on 17th Nov 2016 since you are staying for 3D2N.
Its a weekday,Kupu,Happy 8 and Bunga should have add up to have about 50 girls during the early noon,so i am curious on the time you reach those booking joints.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Then went to Sri kandy, saw one I liked and jumped on it. Price 1.2 bargin down from 1.3. Made the big mistake of not asking the mami more questions.
Just asked things like speak english, how old, hav babies etc. but DID NOT ASK THE NAME. @!**!!@ EREN*&^%$#
It is your 1st Batam trip. You not only made ONE big mistake,you made quite a few mistakes. And those mistakes were mostly very basic common sense mistakes (sorry bro,i dont mean any offence here,just stating the truth).
I really hope you learn from this trip becos if you dont, speaking from just my view alone,its worrying... You are likely to drag the entire group (whoever is with you) to some disasters in a matter of time to come. Every newbie will make mistakes in one way or another during their Batam virgin trip,just try not to make them again.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Other bros hav warned of this girl before.
The name Eren shows up 1st on 11/11 post by bro fde83.
Originally Posted by syt4me
All 3 of us picked girls from SK. Sammyfriend has a regular driver who delivers the girls to our hotel at 5pm.
Sounds like you depended quite a bit on sammyfriend.
Originally Posted by syt4me
First thing she asks me is whether I paid mami 1.3 or 1.2. I told her, mami
agreed on 1.2. She keeps quiet, then says we do now than I want to sleep.
Here she is, showing dominance over you for the 1st time. Completely feeling at ease on hecking care you and just go ahead to do what she likes. Previous guy/s before you must have set some very bad examples of spoiling her.
Standing in your position,if i want to extend her,i will ask for 1 million rupiah. I have the whole night to bargain with her anyway.
Just a personal point of view if i were to be in your shoe.
Originally Posted by syt4me
No BJ, she says she don't like. The rest is okay. After the job she say sleep,
ask me to wake her up for dinner.
BBBJ is only specially meant for her BF/s or customers she likes,hehehe...no,you are none of the 2.
Base on what I understood from reading.
Originally Posted by syt4me
7pm wake her up, go down to friends room. Sammyfriends cewek is mabok.
Hmm...someone who drinks too much but well,since it is the girl who drinks too much and not the player,it should be fine. Sammyfriend is an intelligent chap, 女人不醉,男人没机会。(if the girls were not drunk,the guy/s got no chance)
Originally Posted by syt4me
All including driver go to weywey for seafood. 900k for 7.
Not too bad a price for the sea food.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Then go to alegro for ktv. 350k for a tower. My girl says don't want to go ktv, wants to go clubbing. But we decided not to anyway.
Another show of dominance over you again...
Originally Posted by syt4me
Go back to room. Ask me to extend I agree as she got gfe when outside partying. Then it goes bad.
...and again.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Play hand phone than says tired. Have a quickie then sleep. Sleep cannot cuddle, cannot touch. WTF
She practically push you over now.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Next morning wake her up another round then she immediately packs up and ask for money to extend.
Try to think back about your feeling at that moment of time.
Do you feel a few seconds of relieve after she left at that moment?
Originally Posted by syt4me
Gives her 1.2 then she ask for taxi fair, give that then ask for food money. give that too then tell her to come back at 5.
Mind if i ask, how much was taxi fare and the food money you gave her?
Thank you.
Originally Posted by syt4me
2nd day sammyfriend no longer with us.
I'll skip the shopping and other parts.
With someone who leads you along and you didnt really learned much.You missed out the ability to solve few basic 1st hand problem faced,example,deeper communication with the OKTs,observing the girl's physical behaviour,understanding her etc..
Originally Posted by syt4me
My friend and my girl turns up 15 mins early. Do the deed then she ask again , "can go clubbing". decide to give in a little and say live band.
She's happy, then fellows routine and goes and sleep again. Lanlan. what to do?
She's been taking the lead all along,dominating over you and your entire group to the fullest base on my understanding after reading your post.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Go out for dinner , 4 of us at city walk food court, then head to square club.
Good music at the club but thin crowd. drinks quite x. don't sell towers only jugs for 280k ++.
Throughout the night at the club, girl pester me for $ to buy obat for herself. Ask for 400k. I refused.
Thats your wisest move in your whole FR,the only part you didn't give in to her dominance over you.
Originally Posted by syt4me
After 3 jugs and vodka. We go back to hotel both quite mabok. She then tells
me the obat only for crazy sex!! Not party drug. Too mabok to resist CRAZY SEX, I tell her she go buy outside , take outside then come back. I don't want to know anything about it. She says ok. One hour later she comes back.
You are lucky on this one,and base on my experience,you are indeed very very lucky in this trip. Beside the crazy sex,she could have also given you an even unforgetable crazy trip if your girl has other ulterior motives or if you are getting wechat girls who knows how to play the games much better.
Originally Posted by syt4me
Then the crazy sex begins:
With the help of V on my side we go for 30 mins non stop. till she complain pain and won't continue. ask for HJ, gives half fuck one. In the end I have to finish myself, but she got 5 orgasm.
Yep, other brother comment that we got to service her, she should be paying us. Anyway back to routine, sleep cannot touch, cannot hug.
Next morning, she say still pain so I just tell her to go. Give her sg $50 tips
and that that.
Other bros has already comment on the amount of tips you gave,so i shall skip this part. The more you pay,the less your returns,and welcome to Batam.
On the whole about this crazy sex thing, i apologize to you here in advance as what i am about to say hereon may not sound nice but it is by no means meant to be offending and its purely just my personal point of view after reading your FR.
In this crazy sex scene,she is portraying herself like a master (on bed) and you portraited yourself more like a sex slave on V. She came 5 times,and you didnt. In sleep,yet no hugging nor touching (aka roaming). End of all the 'crazy sex' action,you end up the need to DIY. Try putting yourself in your girl's shoe,what will she be thinking during that moment? If i am her,i may have thought that someone is willing to pay me to become MY sex toy. Not bad,easy money too.
Having said the above,i also need to emphasis this,everyone plays the game differently. I do have a friend,i believe bro Tom knew him in person too. He is able to accept girls who doesnt allow roaming of breast during a FJ session,no bbbj,no kissing,no moaning ,no intimacy etc.
One type of rice,feed thousand kind of men. Everyone have a different type of fetish.
Originally Posted by syt4me
My conclusion is if you want some one to party with, choose her. great GFE
outside the room. Inside the room Sex is very commercial. No GFE. Do the job then thats it.
Thank you for your recommendation,i am likely to be heading to Sri kandy to see who this Eren is...and then recommend it to my friend (Bro S) who could enjoy a girl who "doesnt allow roaming during a FJ (and in sleep),no bbbj,no kissing,no moaning ,no intimacy etc. ",i think there's a chance he may like Eren,hehehe...he is even likely to return to bonk her again too (but his tip would often be similar to what i would normally give,which is no more than 200k rupiah a night).
i was about to list out all the mistakes you made in your trip base on my own perspective but then,i think i shall reserve that part for the time being. It would be better for you to realize where you didnt do right rather than spelling it out all for you. I am not here to judge but if you do not know what went not-right in your trip,then unlikely Batam would be a place suitable for you.
You do have a very lucky and fulfilling trip this time round,and the only advise i could think of for you right now is to start with step number one,...read :
Sincerely thank you for sharing your experience. Thank you more for having the courage to share and thank you for allowing the other bros to learn from your experience (the good and the not-so-good). If you are still going to Batam the next time round again,hope you can gain as much from this trip's experience and enjoy better (if you find Batam is good enough).