Originally Posted by NZKiwi
Ya... I have no contributions. I only know how to exchange points... And i am blacklisted by all MLs.
U never contribute nvm. From your posting records u been slamming different stables in the local massage directory for your own agenda.
Beside slamming the sponsors, you didn't write a single mr what's your motive.
Looks like ts cia work not good enough always target fake frs but failed to find various samsters who r blacklisted and the reasons for it.
Still u can't escape my godly eyes maybe u should ask aczeta76 for help.
Those who still slamming the sponsors remember this thread is also sponsor by those you slammed. Without the sponsors there will be no local massage directory where will there be a tcss massage thread.
Moderator has to cover both areas to be impartial towards the stables if u not happy with the girl you can don't visit the girl, by slamming the stables you doing this thread a disservice. Asking moderator to delete posts u think is fake frs when u didn't post a single mr. Maybe he can be fooled once but not twice.