Originally Posted by BFOMF5
You want to explore Tg. Uncang.?
Ok ok...Oldman story time 
Your report outstands all others and increased my wish to go to explore. The problem is that at day time it is desert, and at night I have the temptation of Pacific, Newton and P3 in front of me in Nagoya. Investing 4 hours at night to go to TU might affect my chances to meet a super SYT at Newton exactly that night.
I learned this: one never knows what could happen in a night in Batam. I keep my EXPECTATION low, but my HOPES are always very high.
By the way, one of my friends got trapped and worked as
prisoner in that village of TU for 6 months several years ago (she was lured to Batam from her village by an auntie, etc. etc.). She was 17!

Fortunately, she was able to escape, but it was not easy.
I wonder if there is any youngie working there at night also nowadays, or only older fat ladies.