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Old 14-12-2016, 05:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
That area.... Want to find cheonging place also not easy liao. What's more, for a first timer with time limit too. I could have pointed him to that only joint I knew....
If a person is staying in that area,the main Key solution for a cheap and better bonk will be his means of travelling. I would still say the same if anyone asked me again.

I still cannot figure out why a traveller couldn't simply take an ojek or taxi to NED area,Nagoya area and/or perhaps even Utama area that would cost maximum 50k and that would only be taking a maximum of about 5 mins of their time.

I am looking at the cause of it. Is it laziness and/or the prideful self-demand to be serve like a King? (which at times can end up being serve like a beggar) Or was it their lack of confident and being too shy to interact around? I am still observing. Reminds me one of the guy who joined me in my Batam trip says, "i pay you money,you better serve me like a King",hehehe...I never see him in Batam again.

If only they read page 1 of the thread. They would have understand I covered the above 2 points.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Interesting way to look at it. Going home vs going for holiday.
I often try to sit on another person's shoe to view how they see things. I wont be 100% right but i know it myself that I wont be too far out.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
This friend of mine, I do agree that what you said applied to him. Further more, being the cost conscious type, the additional $35 for ferry ticket is an expense he can't get past, especially with SGD vs MYR so good to him now. Anyway, he's got a girlfriend now, switched to work the same schedule as her, means that even go JB with him is rare chance now.
He looks like a decent nice guy,having a gf for him could be a better thing,hehehe...bro T also got gf,but his heart keep eyeing at Batam tho,hehehe...always worried that his gf will check his passport etc,hehehe...that guy not-so-much suitable to have a girlfriend man,hehehe...

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Yup, taking ferry had the go holiday feel.. but, I do feel like going back home Everytime I syrup into batam. It's so familiar to the Singapore I grew up in.
If you are talking about old familiar times in Singapore where you grew up in, some rural parts of Malaysia also relatively quite close to Batam. It is more of what that is in Batam that Malaysia doesnt have that draws you there,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Tubbyteddies View Post
Bro nono,may i ask u,if there's a spending diff going to btm on weekday & going over to weekend? If there is,hw much wld the diff be base on yr exp?
Simple theory bro,when demand is more than supply,price goes up. And when supply is more than demand,price goes down. I can spend as low as S$200 for a 2D1N or I can spend as high as S$2k for the same number of night/s. Both weekday and weekend works the same for me.

The rest is left would be common sense.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Yr tis post jus replied every1 abv my post if they reads.

Actually hor...veri not easy 2 get below 300k 4 hj in Justmine la,newbie laggi worse but being ard tat area,their choice were reli limited. U aldy hinted in yr post. hint is actually quite simple, can you as a frequent Batam cheongster get below 300k HJ in Justmine? (try it, regardless how expereince you are, to understand)

If you couldn't or don't have the confident to do so, you also cannot expect a newbie (or 1st timer) to do the same. That's my point when I 1st post the photo of Justmine Massage photo out.

I can get 150k to 200k hj in Kings but it does not means I could do the same in Justmine. My max is 250k for Justmine and I don't expect a newbie could beat my rate,hehehe...I didn't want to interrupt the discussion, hence I choose to use my own words to convey my message and only share my full view when things are cool off.

The massage girls in Justmine were NOT hungry enough and there were enough Silllypore golfers in Gideon that spoils the market bad enough there for the massage girls to turn down the lower normal price for special service around other areas. Kings was exactly like Justmine when i 1st go Batam in 2014 towards 2015.

Utama shop houses area MP was even lower back then (100k to 150k for Hj and 200k to 250k for FJ) but today, the price there begins to overtake hotel MPs,hehehe...see how my summaries work now,i get to know the Batam MP pricing culture in 2014 ,2015 and 2016 today.

Not just MPs,hotel room prices,food prices,booking joint pricing in different season of the year,KTV and Spa pricing etc...

1 summary = 5 mins

35 summaries = 175 mins (almost 3 hours)

And readers get to be growing up with me in my Batam trail since 2014.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Imagine u shared the cheaper version of better & best in tat area wen u were 1st asked many mths ago,yr future hj in tat area is gng 2 cost u jus as much as Justmine.
I did not share and have never shared online about massage places that offers happy ending in that area before. Reason is simple, they are more expensive and not as good. And I have no intention to try to bring their price down becos most time,i am not in that area unless i need food to live, BCS shopping or to watch a movie.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
I still r'ber the MP u recommended who givs me a solid massage & an ass-rim ard An absolute unforgettable experience 4 me. The last thg i'd like 2 see is tat pl being exposed & end up havin 2 pay much more.
Oh,you mean that shop that offers ass-rim,breast to body massage shop in that area? Well,i haven't been there for a while becos their good and better girls no longer works in that area.

Or you mean that clean-turned-dirty MP? That one always crowded and you know I don't like crowd.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Public ignorance often creates more selfish people.
(i'm sure u undstd wat i'm sayin)
I still share,but i share mainly basic to newbie/s, guide them to safely test out what they prefers in Batam. Until when i find that they shares similar frequencies with me,will i allow them in on those secret gardenssss. Even that,i don't share Everything out to them.

They will have to read all my summaries to find out those "everything" regarding the 'secret gardensss' becos it is all written in there,hehehe...

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Nobdoy dn't make mistake. But hw can a person own up his mistake if he cldn't recognize it? Make mistake,fine...kena suan in public 4 making mistake,also nvm...keep heart open 2 learn ma,jus laugh it off lor,nxt time dn't make same mistake again & do better lor. The problem is if a person dn't evn realize it's a mistake & keep on making it. Nw tat'll pose bigger problem.
At times,I also need to make some mistakes, hurt my own wallet to build up my secret gardensss. And i have no intention to share it with people who has no intention to work for it and yet trying to destroy my gardens with their utmost selfish ways,hehehe...having said the above,all my secret joints,secret gardens etc, they were all on my Batam trip summaries and i dare use strong words here by saying,i hide nothing. (which includes all the pure breed Indo Chinese joints)

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Nono,i wk as road sweeper nt bcs i enjoy sweeping road,u wk as rubbish collector also nt bcs u enjoy collect rubbish tio bo. Hw mani who work in a fool time job reli enjoy their work? Surely hav but hw mani. I need the money wking in a job so i'm classified as needy? LOL...
I don't work as a rubbish collector,neither are you a road sweeper,hehehe...most people do not enjoy working in their job at most time.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Say, i'm sillyporean ,i hav mani mani money ma ,so nxt time u share w me ani of yr Good & Better secret joints,i go there pay twice/thrice as much as u bcs the gals workin in their jobs needs the money ma...& since they can 100% sextisfied me & they do their 'job' well makin me See my pt? I clever or nt?
I am a relative popular guy in my secret joints, if you (or anyone) play this kind of game with me,i will know and cut off future exchange of information with you (and others too). So you will end up knowing nothing much thereafter.

The difference between me and others is, i held on to my own formulas and i am constantly sourcing for the good ,better and cheaper places in Batam.So i always have new places to go to and others were also more willing to exchange their better and good with me too. Sometime i dare make an exchange of 2 for 1 ,meaning a bros only share one good place (or info) with me and i gave him 2 places to look into,and i do that becos i find him reliable enough not to be spoiling those places.

Information collide with information, it only multiplies and i get to collect them all,hehehe...(sounds like pokemon huh?). Its one of the reason why i am in this thread. And i am also a consistent person who honor my own words with others, hehehe...

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Hw long do u tink my ways can turn btm's cost of living into like sg? I tink u'll knw the ans since u recently jus visit the 'province of SG' called, Bintan.
Bintan,hehehe...its as expensive as Sillypore staying there for a 3D2N. My impression of the place is,they are already as expensive as Sillypore.

Bintan and Bali were almost becoming a cheonging wasteland to me. But I believe there will always be treasure to be dug up among the waste,hehehe...

Peace be with you.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info