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Old 18-12-2016, 01:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post

i jus read back all the recent failed trip frm newbies. Some time ago, the fail rate 4 newbies following yr basic guide written here has been close 2 nothing,but the most recent fail rates were way higher 4 newbies who claimed they read the thread. Cn't help noticed they aldy took their veri first step wrong by nt stayin in the basic guide's mentioned hotel.

They were new,they read but perhaps too prideful 2 take in good advice. Failure is almost impossible 2 avoid in their cases.
Yea,if only they stayed in Formosa Hotel or those hotels i constantly stayed in on my summaries, hehehe... many has followed word by word on the basic guides,most didn't fail...but well.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
A trip that started disastrously ended fantastically well. Having my last meal in Batam now.
Disastrous? What a strong word...hehehe...

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
As I was checking out from Formosa Hotel, the duty manager told me that actually, check out time for all members level is 2pm, not the 3pm that was printed in the member's benefit chart when we signed up. Hmm.. told them that the fact that it was typed wrongly is not really my issue. To change terms midway is unacceptable.
This is the part I worry most,i have just wrote a letter to their marketing dept to give them a piece of my mind. They failed in being consistent. In any business dealing, verbally 'contractual words' are very important, especially to a customer.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Anyway, let's see. I have been weighing the pros and cons of continuing staying at Formosa or to change to my back up. Told him matter of factly that now that my needs had changed to another area (Utama area) the membership scheme and the familiarity with the staff are the only reason that I'm still patronizing them. Anyway, like girls, hotels in Batam are a dime a dozen.
Like I always say,this is Batam's culture. Whenever a business entities has good business, price goes up and standard of service goes down hence I often say,pay high price only to get lousy standard, pay low price and I get top notch standard of service and most time,even quality (applies to girls,massage,hotels,etc)...hehehe...

Solution? Just bring down their business lor....hehehe....once I am able to understand this cultural theory, I will get to change my environment to suit myself in Batam. How to bring the price down,you may simple way is to bring in the competition lor...hehehe...create some competition for them.

1+2,result will most often be 3. So if I wish to have a result of 3,i use 0.5+1 or some other two lower figure formula to get 3. BUT...if I want to use a formula of 1+2,i have to try to get more than 3,hehehe...

Batam is like my RPG game.

(note:nobody can always win,neither will anyone always lose)

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Also, I'll be cutting down the occasions where I'll let newer batam cheongster tag along. I still prefer to cheong alone lor.
In order to grow further, you cannot always stay in one position. Once stabilize, you need to move level up the game.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Ended this trip with a 350k short time with a 21 years old slim cewek. Not bad, When every Susan, Mary and Lucy are charging 500k. 6 shots accomplished in 2d2n. Now I know why nono says sleep is for the weak. The more I fuck, the more energetic I get.
Oh well,you will need to fight a battle,replenish,fight another battle again,and then replenish and so on..and during this process,when the mood/excitement of battling starts to get deep into your blood and soul, the "battle" itself becomes an enjoyment,you will want more.

The weakness of myself would be, I may get overly confident at times hence the constant need to remind myself to exercise some self-control.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info