Thread: Power Tan
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Old 30-12-2016, 07:17 AM
zhangwuji zhangwuji is offline
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Re: Power Tan

My tot about recently tirades and the reason for the floccinaucinihilipilification of Seabass is not simply to vilify him but to fear him. Am I correct? I am curious why you keep talking about Seabass. It sounds on the superficial level an attempt to demonize him but nothing is further from the truth, am I right? You idolized him. Otherwise why do you eat, sleep and breath Seabass. You talk about him more than anyone as if he is a larger than life figure. There seems to be a seigh mentality here. A paranoia that is intense it is eating you. While you entertain the fallacy of eating Seabass, Seabass is actually eating you. This is such a scary discovery. Of course I can be wrong, but just food for thought.