Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin
Long long time ago when I was in school...... we were taught during history lessons that Indonesia was a Hindu Kingdom in ancient times. It was only in the last couple of hundred years that the Islam religion took roots and grew following the arrival of traders from the Middle East.
This is interesting.
Thank you for sharing.
Originally Posted by fde83
Bro nono, no issues. Im the one that should apologize for breaking up your cool summaries.
Thank you for your understanding. Each post of my summary is inter-linked up with one another so no matter how any post/s that comes in between thereafter, the line cannot be broken up. Its just that this time round, I have too many posts going out at a time,hehehe...hence I was watching out for postings that has been buried in between. (my apologize once again)
Originally Posted by hawkeye007
Looks like you've discovered one of the hidden gems around that area. I love the curry puffs (known as epok-epok in Indonesia) from Swees too; big succulent ones for only 3k each. I usually tapao one box of 8 pieces whenever I pass by there. Hehehe...
Almost 3 years in Batam,this is the 1st time I got to know that curry puff is called epok epok (even tho it has been mentioned serveral times),hehehe...yea,i am targeting this epok epok thingy in my next trip. Who knows I might want to da bao some back to Sillypore too.
Originally Posted by hawkeye007
Looks like the pricing for Apartment Lai Lai. Not a bad place for a kost, although it's pricing is slightly on the higher side compared to other kosts. Entry to the kost is controlled by magnetic door, so security is quite good. Speaking from experience as I rented a kost from Apartment Lai Lai for about 1 year before moving to my house 2 years ago. Back then, my rent was 2.45 juta.
Yes,i was helping a friend to collect info on this one. Much often I would squeeze the taxi who drives me to max,hehehe...yet not too dry,keeping him fed but making sure he doesn't go too well-fed. And since I have a full day (not night) taxi driver that day,I make sure he works hard for my money,hehehe...
I put that piece of paper up in my summary in case one day I might need those information too. See, i collected many infos inside my summaries which I may not need them currently, i helped someone today and who knows one day when I need those info, i can still reference back or those bros who knows more than I did could chip in to help out too.
Helping one another (and not spoon-feeding), i believe this is what most bros in the forum would like to see too.
A sudden question out of curiosity comes in mind,when they says Laundry,do their laundry includes ironing of clothes? I am curious,hehehe...
Thank you for sharing the additional information. Now I can roughly gauge when their next price increase is going to be,hehehe...i have been collecting information. I am researching a little on buying and/or renting property information as i am going along for knowledge purposes.