Originally Posted by nono1973
Beside the 2.75 juta (for a better room according to that piece of paper),i think my friend has to set aside an add-on budget of around S$50 more in case he exceed his free electricity usage. And I suppose that budget will need to double up if air-con is turned on 24 hours thru out the day,hehehe...
The rooms sizes are the same, but the 2.75jt room faces Lai Lai Hotel/RM Ibu Joko and thus have better ventilation and natural daylight. The 2.45jt room faces the other side and the window is literally just 1-2 metres away from the wall of the next building (back of Batam Star Hotel), which equates to bad ventilation and zero natural daylight. In my opinion, the 300k extra is a must-spend, otherwise the room will probably feel like a prison.
What you don't see in this paper is that they also have a "junior suite" kind of room available for rental, but very limited units; only 1 unit per floor. It comes with a kitchenette, living area and sleeping area. It was 5plus juta several years ago and I suppose the rental now should be about 6juta now.
Originally Posted by nono1973
Any chance of subscribing another ISP in this case? A separate one and not using whats given by the "landlord",hehehe...I ask becos one day if I am going to rent a room,one of the few things I will need to have is surveillance cameras all over the place and some security gadget linked to the network. I still preferred running internet on LAN.
Hmm...I guess that would also means YET another around S$50 per month budget then.
Hmm, I never tried subscribing another ISP but I suspect it's probably not possible. I suppose you can try asking.
I don't think unlimited usage from Lai Lai cost S$50; about 300k if I'm not wrong?