i am not encouraging it.. what i am saying is there are far alot worst post than his....those flaming post e.g fuck seabass, johbbass, powertan, poltics post etc..and then there are those who post the same content all over the place ... these are the type of post i would remove if i could... his posting dont fall into any of the categories i mentioned..if sam were to remove them, alot of post will need to be removed as well.
however i do agree with u that we need more constructive post, in a ideal world i would have love for that to happen.. however we all know that is not how the cyberworld works...
hmm.. my suggestion will be to put him in your ignore list if his posting irritates u..
Originally Posted by PrinceCharles
Any other forum posting in 40 threads in a row warrants a ban or etc from the mod usually, call a spade a spade
But that is not my problem as its not my forum
But please BigSexy do not encourage bad forum etiquette, this forum should be place to share where to find the next cheap Fls to screw and not the next thread to spam