Originally Posted by nono1973
Some of the lesson i learned on that day in the Monkey King movie which i have been talking to my girl with,hehehe..$$$$$ic to break the ice.
Taking away the religion part, every step in our life (path) is like a practice ...and every suffering (and blessing too) on embarking our journey in real life is somehow already predestined from the choice we made when we took that certain path (or made a certain choice).
I made a decision to travel to Batam,i have to take up its consequences regardless if it turns out good or bad (like real,hehehe...).
i just read yr latest summary frm yr signature, i tink u r the onli person i knw of who cld mix yr movie posts w btm so well here & yet can b sharin w yr ger. Reli lucky she din't faint.
For those lookin 4 ms perfect in btm, they r reli keepin super high expectation 4 a 2d1n trip & chances r,u knw i knw. Mayb 1 day,i shld start my recommendation of vietbu @ south of btm,pulau Galang after midnite for sssssyt.
Originally Posted by Nulgath
Coffee? Tea? On me that day.
If u can see him tat day,ask him teach u hw 2 loc fiona xie & 刘亦飞 cat @ abt 1 juta & below. U will most surely be amazed @ hw he source.
btm gers no need 2 be so expensive w him ard.
speakin base on exp...lol.