Originally Posted by miumiu6464
This trip is more for praying and returning thanks. Cannot ask for favors, then forget about it when unhappiness are over.
Sure,sure...whatever unhappiness or bad things,its 2016...leave it there,dont take it with you to 2017. May your upcoming 2017 be a blessed and good one,bro.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464
While massage and movies will still feature in my itinerary, I have 3 FLs (one left Happy8 and now FL'ing) that I can call on, so booking joints can go target other preys. Of course, one can never be too sure.
Clever move. You are definitely experience to know what to do and what not to. The most suitable for yourself is always the best.
Hehehe...by the way,Monster Trucks looks good.
XXX Return of Xander Cage and Resident Evil is a non-stop action movie (from the very start till the end). Just that Resident evil is a bit on the horror side,hehehehe...all of them were screening in Batam at this time.