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Old 07-02-2017, 03:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

This one below looks like a pretty fair deal for Batam beginners to look into (to reach Batam) during March school holiday...hehehe...when hotel prices tends to go uphill.

Note : I have censored off the address and contacts to prevent any breaching of forum advertising rules. But you can still do an internet search base on the tour agent's name online.

Booking any fairly above average hotel cost about S$50/night,Horizon ferry ticket cost about S$48 (including tax). And this is Swissbel Hotel,a 4 star Batam hotel. The one above don't exactly fits me tho,but the below one seems interesting, Montigo Resort (Montigo Resort rooms usually cost S$300+/night anytime and not easy to book). Its what caught my attention.

The above and below brochures were taken from Ministry of Education website. There's also a Bintan version of similar brochure too but well,it cost almost double compared to the Swissbel one, so....hehehe.... (I am not interested)

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Planning for my March/April 2017 trip,hehehe...wait,i need to finish my 36th Batam Trip Summary 1st.

* I have so much of Batam in my mind now...Argh!!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info