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Old 27-02-2017, 11:58 PM
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Re: Caught Red-handed

She looked at him, a kind of ‘poor-me’ tragic air coming over her. “I suppose so, yes.”

“You suppose so?”

“Yes – yes, you’re right,” she said, vulnerable and full of sorrow, suspended there upon him mid-fuck. “I didn’t really want to do it, but she – well – she didn’t force me, but she went on and on…”

“She manipulated you, Imogen, made you her puppet. She’s the one who really deserves punishing, I can see that now. Not you. She’s the one who needs to really get it. Sweetheart, I want you to help me make things right.” He cupped her face and stared into her eyes.

“How?” she asked, eyes full of worry once more. “I don’t understand.”

“Someone’s got to pay for what was done in my house tonight – I mean really fucking pay. I want it to be her, not you. I want to teach her a lesson she’ll never forget.”

She stared down at him with incomprehension. “I thought…”

“You thought I already had?” Blood surged through Mac again, as his plan neared fruition. “Lady, you’ve seen nothing yet.”

“Oh my God…”

“Mm-hmm. That’s right. I’m going to work her over like a cheap whore. And I want you to back me up.”

“You want me to…”

“I want you to punish her too, to get your own payback for her landing you in this mess. We can put her bottom of the heap and you can keep it as a memory. She’ll be your bitch as well as mine – wouldn’t you like that?”

“Well…” The mix of emotions and ideas looked as if they were likely to overpower the blonde. “But she’d be so mad at me after!”

“That’s the beauty of it,” he said, letting the fever in his voice infect her where she knelt, impaled upon him. “I’ll tell her I’m giving you no choice – it’s do as I say, or I call the police on you both. Be yourself and do everything I tell you to. She’ll never know – it’ll be our secret. Then when she’s well-used, I’ll kick her ass out the door. We can forget her and be lovers on terms that are mutually agreeable to us for the rest of the night. How does that sound?”

“It… I…” The girl was torn, but most certainly tempted.

“Imogen, here’s the deal. If you think I’ve fucked myself anger-free yet, you’re very much mistaken. I’m going to work off everything you girls have made me feel until I reach my place of calm, and it’s not going to be a fucking romance novel – you can depend on that. Now her ass can suffer all of my wrath, or maybe yours can. So make your choice now, darling. Are you going to take your punishment, or help do the punishing? Which are you going to be – my bitch, or my partner?”

He burned into her with his gaze, confirming that said choice was to be made now, or not at all. She gazed back at him, still and silent, but for the panting of her breath.

“Your partner,” she mouthed.

“What was that? Say it loud.”

She did – and this time her voice suggested more than a hint of pride. “I’m going to be your partner.”

“You going to help me teach that bitch a lesson?”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

“Say it.”

“I’m going to help you teach that bitch a lesson.”

Mac smiled at her. “I was so hoping you’d say that.” He glanced past her comely naked form to the closet. “Did you get all that, Lysette? You can come out now!”

The blonde’s head craned around, eyes enlarging once more, face contorting into confusion. Mac kept his hands on her wide hips, savouring the moment. The redhead parted the closet doors and climbed out, emerald eyes blazing like a fiery counterpoint to her red hair. She stood for a moment glaring at her friend, and then strutted towards the bed, a slender, naked streak of fury.