1. My 1st day lunch was in a2 food court (stores were all so hardworking),in fact i went to a2 food court quite a few times over the last 6D5N. Its just that Astro Food court was close on the 1st day of CNY and i only ate there on my 2nd day onward. This is also the 1st time i notice the Siok Bak store produce very nice siok bak,hehehe...its better than their char siew.
2. The next thing is my light saber. I didnt bring it back to Singapore but gave i to the girls. See,i know they are going to like it,hehehe...
3. i brought the girls to the movies. And seriously,non of the movie matched this one which we watch in my room...a cantonese RA movie with bahasa subtitle. The girls were laughing like no 2mrow,hehehe....
Its an old Chinese RA movie with bahasa subtitle.
4. Next is fireworks...the video file in animation is big...so i am hiding it,open at your own risk tho. almost 20mb for a 5 sec firework,hehehe...
5. Next is Barongsai in Mega Mall,hehehe...this one no need to say much. I am just keeping data for next year.
Its named as Barong Sai...meaning Lion dance. The locals,whether its the indo local or the indo chinese were attracted to the lion dance performance. They all seems to like lion dance occasion.
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