Originally Posted by Nulgath
Actually I did...even before you made this reply to me,hehehe...
(this forum changed some links to ward off D-dos and MDA)
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Then later.. I should hv more freedom.
I notice how some Indo girls don't feel emotionally (or mentally) secured with their foreign lover/s or bfs/. But this only applies to girl/s who are sincerely wanting to be with you.
Her lack of confidence, and her constant worrying that you might give her up were noticeably obvious from my view (its just a gut-feel,I could be wrong).
Originally Posted by miumiu6464
Read on another forum that Kungfu Yoga not that good as a Jackie Chan film. Will only watch it tomorrow then.
The whole Kungfu Yoga movie is actually not too bad,until the ending part...hehehe...which probably sends a question mark to the audience what were the dancing for? Hehehe...