KONG!! Has finally arrived to Batam island,hehehe...
Kong : Skull Island

The storyline :
In 1973, a secretive organization known as Monarch finds an island that is shrouded in mystery and identified as the origin for new species. The resulting expedition to the island reveals that a giant monstrous ape named Kong is at the center of a battle for dominion over the island, against the apex predators, nicknamed the "Skull Crawlers", responsible for wiping out his kind. As most of the expedition crew plans to fight for survival on the hostile island, some of them begin to see that Kong is worth saving.
The Trailer :
This movie no need to say much already,hehehe...enjoy the movie,enjoy yourself IN the theater,enjoy Batam (if you are there).
oh wait,dont forget NOT to buy drink and food from the theater becos even if you do,you might not be able to finish them...and not being able to finish your food and drinks is not something good.
Kong ,Skull Island is screening all over Batam as of date.