Originally Posted by hoosdathu
my past few trips i didn't nego beforehand, just gave the ojek riders 10k upon drop off at nagoya hill. they always complain too little, then i give another 5k. if they still minta, i bochup, smile n walk away. so far haven't got any rider chase me for more
but i do speak a little bit of bahasa indonesia, though not fluent
Good idea. I always do this with the mini bus drivers. Alight and push the money (I gave 6k) to them and walk backwards against the traffic. Learned this from Piglet (taking mini bus) and BFOMES (spelling might be wrong) on the money part.
I did have a bad experience with a taxi driver regarding fare though. To be fair to him, I'm pushing it cos we had 5 paxes and he's asking for just 20k more. I refused (I gave 80k for to and fro, and the place is less than 5 minute away from my cewe place) and had a heated argument. It's near my cewe's place so no worry of traffic and he almost followed to my doorstep.
Later, heard from my cewe's landlord that he's pissed off cos we didn't invite him to join us for dinner at a Sundanese food restaurant opposite Swiss Bel Hotel. I was like "WTF". Really got so hungry meh. And, that's the first time that I'm using him some more, although he came recommended by a friend. It was supposed to be a very private event between me and my cewe friends. (erm, no, not carrot-headed) They helped my cewe a lot and this meal is a thank you for the help.
My point here..
Not every driver will react to being given any amount nicely. In my case, maybe we should talk about it beforehand. But, it did nearly get ugly if not for my cewe landlord who stepped in. There's also the part about not invited for dinner, which really, I'm still feeling puzzled with.