Originally Posted by leekwantew
Just checked and my roaming charges is 0.84SGD/min for call to Indo number. Think I'll just call Bluebird when I reach Harbor Bay over buying Sim card
I wouldnt do that if i were you. Spending around 20k to 30k roaming charges to get a taxi just to save 10k-20k. What i will do is, simply get a taxi even if its gonna cost me 50k (bargain down please,can still get 40k if you are good enough). Buying a sim card is only advisable if you are planning for more than 1 night stay. Upon arriving to Batam Harbour Bay ferry terminal,already can see a counter that sells sim card for internet (after they scan your luggage).
Originally Posted by leekwantew
Hmm you didn't list Kupu Kupu and Sri Kandy in your list, lucky managed to find here
You sure i miss out on Kupukupu and Sri Kandy?
Open up the photo size and read again..
The only place i believe i have missed out is Matahari aka Sekar :
Originally Posted by leekwantew
Any review on Blue Moon/Bunga Massage?
Bunga,most expensive joint in Batam. Big fat ugly also cost 1 million rupiah. Recently may have gone up to 1.2 million,hehehe...
Blue moon,one of a smaller scale joint hence very little was talk about. Little choice. Minimum booking is 1 million rupiah.
Originally Posted by leekwantew
I guess my top priority are:
Happy Massage 8 (nearest)
Sri Kandy, Kupukupu
Permata Indah
Depending on how many nights you plan to stay. Be reminded that you only have one dick. Avoid over-planning. If there are 10 places you wish to go,divide them up. Like i say earlier, dont use Sillypore's time efficiency to plan when in batam,as there will bound to have some delay in between (their pace were slower).
Originally Posted by leekwantew
Looks like Goldbird and Memory are down or they would be in the list also
Joint/s may be raid or under renovation,but most time,the girls are still there (and likely to be hungrier too).
Hungrier girls usually means better services.
Move around,look around will do you good,hehehe...
Originally Posted by leekwantew
The time I go looking will be about 2pm Batam time, hope the places are open
Timing is very much depending on whether you hit batam on weekdays or weekends. Your worry should not be whether they are open or not but more onto if the better girls has been taken faster than your legs and hands. You can reach there at 11pm (or even 1am) and they will likely still be open,but your choice become limited.
Originally Posted by leekwantew
Anyway some general questions:
1) I've been trying to get a map for ages, tried asking colleagues who go to Batam for travel and tried downloading a few rubbish play store aps. So far using offline google maps and maybe if i got free time I go library see if can get any tourist guides. Any idea where I can get a good map of the Nagoya area?
Changes on the environmental mapping is always faster than the one who drew the map,bro. I plan,i draw my own map and then i go. Walking around will help you familiarize and in your next trip,your confident will increase.
No need to worry about making mistake/s (which newbie dont). Just avoid making it again.
By the way,realreview is back.
(so my signature links are all working now)
Originally Posted by leekwantew
2) I may decide to go for dirty massage but at most either body to body or masseur is nude, any good recommendations? and what is the rough cost?
Those around Utama area will cost around 50k to 100k per hour.
Girls-changing rate is super high in many Batam joints and MPs. I dont recommend but i can suggest you to try King 1st,and then Indo Rasa which you have to walk opposite your hotel (and you see Relax massage) and then BEHIND Relax Massage is Indo rasa Massage. Indo rasa is also a food court. All these were just about 3 mins walk from Formosa Hotel.
Directly opposite there's also Linda massage too,but you can forget that place tho,hehehe...
Originally Posted by leekwantew
Most likely will go Delta Spa (Its just next to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall right?) or Moonlight (its next to Harmony hotel right)
Delta Spa is good for a one time try tho,but once you get to know more about Octopuss, Altalanta, New and Pas,...Delta spa may become a waste of time and money (at least to me,it is).
Above were solely experience of my own.
Moonlight is a small scale massage shop behind Harmony Hotel.