Exchange rate yesterday is not bad...9500/SGD,was given 9510 becos i change a little extra. (change S$1k only get 10k rupiah extra...hehehe...sound a bit stupid tho)
Yesterday's lunch..the Tea Story new menu,hehehe... (nothing fantastic)
Formosa has a new provision shop,...actually i should call this K-Mart (it is). Things are more expensive in it too (pay more get less there),prefer the other provision shop almost behind the hotel (formosa perimeter). K-mart can top up sim card too,price same.
King Massage price up...110k per hour,i be confirm later.
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Ah Tek still in police station since Saturday's raid.
Yea,and police is asking for around S$4k bail (or was it S$40k? Cant remember...) which his boss dont wish to fork out. Still in the process of bargaining.
See? Even police and touts also bargain with one another.