Originally Posted by abovetheline
let have a go....
from guys point of view
i think clit orgasm is lighter intensity and seems more satisfying....like girls can have many clit orgasms and can handle it.
of course they wanted to get fucked hard at some point.
the g spot orgasms r more dramatic.
g spot is the rear nerve ending of the clit....
so they r connected.
for sure g spot orgsms r more intense.
i found i could give girls clit orgasm....all day long.
shes happy...as long as my stamina can keep up.
however i think few big g spot orgasms will wear a girl down fast....
i think its the over sensation.
comes to over sensation.
as mention in the sex bible above ....blended orgasms: both clit and g spot at the same time r the best.
its the holy grail of ultimate orgasm.
u can be any1s superstar if u can give her few of those.......trust me on this one.
Hahaha. Teach me Sempai.
Clit orgasms are no issue for me. The big o is big tougher I think? Idk how to find it. Only managed to hit it with one lady so far. Lucky me I Guess. It wasn't even intentional when it happened so idk how to recreate it. My Guess is every woman's g-spot is in a slightly different location...
Anyone care to correct me?