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Old 26-04-2017, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Picked a girl from Sri Kandy (1.1 juta) and tried finding taxi, the guy sitting outside quoted me 100k then say 50k, I told him I cab from hotel to DC mall only 30K and he dunwan. Ended up call silvercab. While waiting my girl got fed up and she say dunwan work liao, so ended up pick another girl. Silvercab still didnt come in that time and people were geetting angsty, ended up pangseh silvercab and take another taxi where the driver agree to 30k
Like i say earlier,patience is gold. You may have did the right thing with the taxi thingy,but i would still say,next time try walking around your hotel. Once you learn to walk and familiarize with Batam,taxi drivers will be at your mercy,hehehe...

1. Behind Formosa is Nagoya City Walk Mall.

2. The other end of City Walk Mall is Biz Hotel.

3. Once you can get to Biz Hotel,follow this track below :

( Click to show/hide )

Of course if you are with girls and they are wearing high heels,then they might not enjoy walking. BUT if you got a non-picky girl,you will know you might have got yourself a GEM ,hehehe...i look at it as you just saved yourself 1.1 juta on this one.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Similarly to day 1 reach hotel at 4+, Girl#2 I feel is hotter than Girl #1 but her attitude really not good because everything cannot. Clear first shot and she keep trying to rush me for 2nd shot. 6.30 try again but didnt cum. She keep asking me to tapao for her but i refuse and ended up go together with my friend to the Tea something cafe and eat dinner.

After dinner she just bo hue me watch TV, 9pm try again. After fucking I told her that she can leave (Because no point keping ber around, breakfast dun wan and I'm probably not getting any more rounds).

Hangout with my friend till 2am then sleep
I didn't know where you get girl number 2 from until i read further downward. Bro,do give Kupu another chance if you are there the next time round. There are definitely gems there,its your luck that you didn't get it,but you sure can write off Sri Kandy,hehehe....lots of bros here (and my other online friends) has got "their own definition" of good girls there.

Just remember,a place where there are good girls,will surely also have bad girls, just need to bathe flower water. There are no place where there are only good girls and no bad girls ;and vice versa.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Woke up went breakfast then call girl from King's Massage (#18 if anyone wants to know) for 2 hour Thai massage
No,i don't want to know (joking here), me 500k fj is on the high side. But i don't want to make comparison between you and me (not fair) becos i knew practically every girl there.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
90 mins in she pop the golden question, and since she did do a good job with the massage I negoed fucking with her, initially she quote 100k for 1 shot and managed to bargain to 50K
Attitude wise she is the best of the 3 though she had tummy fats and was probaby the oldest of the 3 also
50k or 500k?

"My friend tells me Batam is 100k HJ and 200k FJ..."

The above said words is no longer applicable for me in Kings massage becos almost all the girls there heard that from me before,hehehe...but they should still be pretty useful for newbies.

Next time try this,go for an hour massage 1st,after 45 mins you will most likely be pop the golden question, take up the special if her price is right. Then after the 1 hour is up, request to EXTEND another hour,hehehe...and request for her to do the massage naked,hehehe...of course this must tip a bit extra but wont cost very much. I think you might enjoy better...anyway,its just a suggestion, choice is still yours to make.

You MAY end up getting "something else" and/or "something more". Most likely it is gonna be a refreshing experience too. There are more tricks up my sleeves but i would just share up to here 1st,hehehe...most important thing is step one must be right 1st.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Finished the deed and I didn't want to disturb my friend so ownself went to recce Permata Indah. They painted the building so I didn't see it initially, but there was only a big banner advertising the place so....
Sounds like you are planning for a next trip soon,hehehe...

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Reach hotel at 1, check out, and since I ran out of minutes (my friend plan totally no minutes) and hotel won't let me call silvercab or bluebird, ended up take 50k taxi to terminal for the 2.15 ferry
No need to surf internet on the streets of Batam,bro. Hotel wifi should be more than sufficient for internet access. Save what you need from your hotel and then start moving around. Anything goes wrong or lost in the street,just go to any hotel to call a taxi or take a 50k ride back to your own hotel will do.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Points to takeaway:
  1. Prices for the girls seem a bit steep, maybe it's because my nego skills/strategy poor or because i not old customer
  2. Silvercab vs non metered taxi: Silvercab is guranteed 20 mins wait and saves you like $3, maybe next time will just be more liberal with cash and take those non metered taxi. Personally I don't feel safe in the non metered taxi so maybe Silvercab is an option if you can plan ahead
  3. Experience with the girls: To me only Girl #3 is good, maybe my expectation too high or my picking skill not good
  4. I think can write off Sri Kandy and Kupupu, they only failed us twice . Next trip (if there is a next trip) will be Goldbird/Permata Indah/Happy Massage 8
  5. The most selection are Happy Massage 8 and Permata Indah
  6. Malls are boring in general, Nagoya Hill Mall feels like a Malaysian mall and prices are not particularly cheap (maybe 75% of Singapore). Diamond City Mall is like Tanjong Katong Mall -_- Maybe should have tried Harbour Bay Mall but my expectations for these now are really lowered

Girl#1: 1.1 Juta + 300K
Girl#2: 1.1 Juta + 50k taxi
Girl#3: 200k Massage + 500k FJ
1. Why is the price steep? I doubt anywhere in Asia within an hour ferry ride can "rent" you an overnight lady for about S$115.00 a night? I believe when you mean a bit steep it is more due to their service level and attitude via the price you paid for. But like i tell many of my friends when we go Batam,an overnight girl in Batam were not trained,they were like yourself, were almost complete stranger to the one who booked them. So the part about breaking the ice and helping one another to understand one another falls on both party.

And if one were to bring those attitude that "i am the pay-master and you are the pay-receiver, you must serve me like a King" kind of mentality to Batam, then i am afraid Batam or maybe even the whole of Indonesia will have very little suitable girls.

I got the above conclusion from my past newbie group trips organized by me.

2. No need to brood over non-metered taxis. They are generally quite safe unless you are like me trying to go the EXTRA MILES,hehehe...the whole of Nagoya is like Yishun Town,you can walk or you can take a taxi. Knows the way via walking and they will be at your mercy. When you need to buy time,taxi is one of your choice. But if you have plenty of time, use kinetic energy. Time is money,hehehe...

One more thing,how come don't utilize the hotel taxi service? 50k for a 2 way round trip? (from ferry terminal and back) You have a phone line ,you have the hotel name card,you can also work miracles if you plan things properly.

Below is the Formosa hotel NORMAL taxi charges which is pretty similar to other hotels in Batam for your reference :

Hotel guest get to have the 50k for 2 way promo, bro. Talk to the receptionist.

3. If you think girl number 3 is good,then you will need to go to places where there are more of girl number 3,hehehe...almost everywhere in Batam also have but you will have to be careful that girl number 3 type were old birds in Batam, meaning they are very experience with their customers. Believe me,bro...i know which girl you talk about when you mention her number becos i am looking at her photo as i type this post,hehehe...

4. Bro,each joint you mention (Sri Kandy and Kupukupu) has an average of about 20 over girls.You and your friends only bonk one from each. You havent reach a point to judge if the joint is good or not yet. Not going to repeat which one you can write off and which one you shouldn't as i already talk about that earlier. The decision is afterall yours to make.

Gold Bird,Happy8 and Permata Indah? How about Memory? Link's? You still have not try Alishan KTV huh? Hehehe...which is upstairs of Formosa Hotel,booking can cost around 1.4 to 1.6 juta.No need to buy drinks or book KTV room. But quality wise...go have a look,you might be surprise.

5. You got that right,Permata Indah currently has the most number of girls and 2nd place should be Happy 8.

6. If DC Mall is like Tanjong Katong Mall,then Harbour Bay mall would most likely be like an almost closed down Tanjong Katong mall,hehehe...well,other than the theater in it. Price of many things in Batam is mainly cheaper than Sillypore but more uncommonly cheaper than in Malaysia. Cheaper stuffs rarely appears in Nagoya Hill Mall or Ferry terminal where most tourist dwell.

This reply took me quite a while to read and reply. Hope no one quote my whole post.


And may you have a better next Batam trip.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info